Notes~ Chapter 6

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I look over to Adam who is staring at the screen, watching the action happen before the hunger games starts in the movie, but I can't take my eyes off of him. His eyes are big and dedicated to the screen, anticipating what will happen. He has slightly curly hair, different from when we were little and he had straight and almost blonde hair, but still brown. Now, it was a dark shade of brown. Even though he was tall and more muscle than he was fat, he still was conscious about his weight, due to problems he had a few years ago (Yes I know that the whole weight thing went on later let me do what I want) He turned to me and I quickly looked back at the screen.

"Enjoying the view?" He jokes quietly.

"Of Josh Hutcherson? Why yes." I joke back.

"Oh of course. Because you totally weren't looking at me."

"Pfffft. Of course not."

"That hurts." he fake sobs.

For the rest of the movie I watch intently, but halfway through I rest my head on his shoulder and he looks down at me and smiles, but looks back up again.


It's been about three months, and Adam and I have already found out about the Ammercot ISD talent show, where we are determined to beat the asses off of the Stallion MS kids. The audition process is odd, but effective.

You preform in one of the schools that is part of the district, and that is the first step. They pick 1 representative act from each school, and then you move on to step two. Step two is where you go up against the other schools, and by the end, 3 acts are chosen to win the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes. The first place winner gets a total of $1,000, second gets $500 and third gets $250. (We both agreed that IF we won the 2nd or 3rd prize, we would give half of the money to the choir, but only the 2nd or 3rd, you'll see why) Finally, all of the first place winners in each Washington district compete for a $10,000 prize to the program their act is based off of, and if it's something random it goes to the school.

Adam and I plan to sing "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and Colby Caillet. (LOOK IT UP I'M ACTUALLY SINGING IT WITH A FRIEND [*wink wink*] IT MADE ME FANGIRL WHEN HE SUGGESTED IT OK) The first time listening to it, we both fell in love with it, and learned it in under a month.

The hours we practiced were endless, and when we ran out of things to practice, we'd go somewhere. Starbucks, Menchies (Frozen Yogurt), places like that.

"Hurry up!" Adam yelled from across the backyard.

"Ok, ok!" I say running towards him. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." He opens the back gate revealing a forest area, with beautiful trees and a stream running down the middle.

"This is amazing." I say stepping out into the forest.

"That's not all of it." I look back at him and see his hand outstretched, and his brown eyes sparkling with excitement. I take his hand and he leads me to a part of the stream I can't take my eyes off of. It's a waterfall like place, where the stream ends at a small cliff and the water cascades off of it into a small pond.

"Adam, this is amazing!" I look around, still holding his hand. I feel him move forward, stepping on the rocks in the stream and I follow. We get to a large dry spot next to the top of the waterfall, and we sit and play around with the water, making small rafts out of twigs and vines, seeing who could make the biggest splash by throwing a rock in the water, just fun stuff. We stayed out until it started to get dark, and as we were walking home, I heard the voice again, but this time it wasn't just a thought, it was a voice. A girls voice.

This day will be significant in the future. Remember it. Trust me, I know.

••••••••••SORRY THAT'S IT!!!
I'm at my grandmothers house and you know how grandparents are with technology :\ but whatever.


Why do you think Jerome keeps taking long pauses in the videos?

I think he's thinking about how much heloves Mitch and how much he just wants to tell him his feelings a-


got carried away.

I should write Merome.


Notes~ A SkyDoesMinecraft FanficWhere stories live. Discover now