Notes~ Chapter 25

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2 Years Later, Adam and Lilia are Seniors.
March 21

"This is Adam, leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." I listen to his voicemail go off and wait for the beep signifying I can leave a message.

"Hey Adam, I was just wondering how Telluride is and wanted to tell you that the grads party is going to be in May! Kay bye!" I hang up and sigh.

"What's going on?" Sierra asks as she looks up from her computer screen.

"Oh Adam won't pick up his phone...again..." I sigh.

"You are so not over him." She mumbles.

"AM TOO. He's one of my best friends. Plus I have Tyler (not that one)." I snap.

"Okaaayyy." She replies doubtfully.

We both get back to our semi- conversation right before hearing a knock at the door. I get up to answer it and see Tyler.

"Hey babe! What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Oh...I needed to talk to you." He says a little sternly.

"Oh...Ok. Is everything OK?" I ask as I close the door behind me.

"Not exactly...I've noticed that you've been kind of....obsessive over Adam." He says.

"WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK THAT??" I say, frustrated.

"Well maybe because it's true." He says with a mad tone.

"It's not true! I'm over him. It's over. I was just a silly little girl who thought that I could date my best friend forever."

"Lilia, it is true. And I'm sorry to say that you still are that girl. You need to grow up and forget about fairy tails and happy endings, because I can't be with someone who refuses to drop a dream that will never come true." It hurt. It hit me like a punch to the gut.

"Fine...if you can't accept me...then leave." I say, listening to my voice crack. He walks away and I walk back into the house, where Sierra is stood waiting for me.

"Did you hear him..." I say looking up at her. She nods and I start to cry weakly. "You were right...everyone was right. I'm not over him."

"How could you be? You can't blame yourself. Plus, If a guy doesn't love you for you...he's not worth your time."

~Time Skip to later that night~

I crawl in my bed and get my phone and headphones. As I start to plug in my phone to my charger, my headphones fall behind my bed, and I reach down to get them. I feel a cloth object and pick it up in my hands. A grey beanie. Adam's grey beanie. I take it in both of my hands and feel a hot tear go down my face.

Why did I have to be so dumb? To break a perfect relationship because of such a stupid reason. Friends. Just because he was friends with guys that I didn't like.

I fall asleep with the beanie in my hand, and thoughts of Adam rushing through my head.

I'll never get him back. His girlfriend is every way possible...


I wake up and reach over to my phone to check the time. 9:46. 1 missed Call at 9:30....From takes me a moment, but I suddenly snap out of my sleep induced trance and quickly call him back.

"Hey! How's Telluride?" I ask.

"Awesome! Sarah and I are going to learn to Snowboard today. How are you doing?" He says, excited.

"Uh, Ok. Tyler and I uh...broke up..." I say.

"Oh my god...Lil I'm so sorry.."

"Don't didn't do anything."

"I know but...that's horrible. I wish I could be there..."

"Yeah..." me too...

"Well I'm sorry Lil..I'll call you as soon as I can, but I have to go. Bye."



Notes~ A SkyDoesMinecraft FanficWhere stories live. Discover now