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     THE clouds looked glum that day, as if they are aware that someone is in mourning

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THE clouds looked glum that day, as if they are aware that someone is in mourning. Death is something that can't all human beings avoid, in the end everyone will return to the dust and meet the almighty. However, the death of the beloved ones are something that makes all the nerves felt vacuous. For Carolyn King, this is her deepest sorrow. Black became the most favorite color of all those who came to the funeral today, including her. Her father Carlisle King, never liked black, and even until his death he wasn't wearing a black suit, but his army uniform complete with all the badges he had achieved during his lifetime. He was part of the United States Army with the rank of General, making him have an honorable burial. The illness he had suffered for a long time finally made his heart stop suddenly without a warning. And to describe her feelings when she heard about it in the midst of a surgery of the victims of the earthquake, is a situation that will be hard to pin down.

"Carolyn," Her grandfather Chester King called, standing in front of her. "Come with me to England. You'll stay with me there from now on."

The option to decline seemed to have disappeared from the list of choices. She was already officially became an orphan today, so stay with her grandfather is the last option. Even though she really wanted to refuse, since he was the cause of her mother's departure, she couldn't. She wanted to stay at her house, but surely it will be tough for her. Staying alone in her parents house where all the memories with them inherent in the house, it definitely will only increase her grief.

Moving to England means she will leave all her life in South Carolina, including her job. Being twenty-one years old is not actually tough for her, in fact in her age she was already a source of pride for her father. Her expertise in the field of medicine brought her to a high enough position in the United States Army, which the Master Sergeant who was later promoted to First Lieutenant. Yes, she's also part of the United States Army, following her father's footsteps, not only as a soldier but an army surgeon and an orthopedic specialist. Carolyn is not only an expert using a scalpel, but also proficient in archery, that is what makes her different from all the doctors at the hospital where she was an apprentice in the first year of being a soldier. However with her moving to England, she realized that she would just be a figure that probably will not be remembered by the army.



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