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     HARRY is dead

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     HARRY is dead. That heartbreaking fact kept scurrying in her head, as if to make sure she didn't think that he's still alive and on his way back to here. The room became completely desolate for several minutes after the bullet ended Harry's life. Arthur had brought out a Napoleonic brandy that didn't attract her attention at all, in fact she didn't even want to know what he'll do next. Her heart had suffered enough to contain any pain again. And all she wanted now was revenge.

"You need to drink this as well, sweetheart."

Carolyn didn't reply for a moment before lifting her head up and glared at him, "Can it bring him back to life?"

"He died. And there's nothing you can do." Arthur stated, staring sternly at her. "Why are you so concern about Harry? He's not even your family. I am your family."

Before Carolyn could answer, the door opened wide as Eggsy walked into the room. Glancing at Carolyn first before landing his gaze on her grandfather, "Arthur, Harry's dead."

"Galahad is dead." He said. "Hence, we have just drunk a toast to him."

"Well, then you know what that psycho's doing. How many people around the world have got those SIM cards? Valentine can send his signal to any of them, all of them. If they all go homicidal at the same time then–"

Arthur cut him off, "Indeed, and thanks to Galahad's recordings, we have Valentine's confession. The intelligence has been passed on to the relevant authorities. Our work is complete, and a most distinguished legacy for our fallen friend, it is, too."

"And that's it?"

"Come sit down, boy." Arthur said. Eggsy sat in Harry's seat, throwing a glance of worry on her because she looks like she's still in the state of shock. When in fact Carolyn was waiting for Eggsy to notice the faint scar on the back of his ear. "This is an 1815 Napoleonic brandy. And we only drink it when we lose a Kingsman. Galahad was very fond of you, and on this occasion I think it's acceptable for us to bend the rules a little."

Carolyn couldn't do anything to revive her grandfather or she just doesn't want to do it because he's impossible to listen to her words, but maybe Eggsy can. The moment when she heard Eggsy changed the subject, she realized he had seen the scar behind his ear. "Are these all Kingsman?"

"Yes, they're founder members." He replied, stealing a glance at the paintings as Eggsy switched the cups. She was a little confused about it, but decided to continue to pay attention to them. "I want you to join me in a toast. To Galahad."

"To Galahad." Eggsy repeated, sipping his drink. "Harry says you don't like to break rules, Arthur. Why now?"

"You're very good, Eggsy. Perhaps I will make you my proposal for Galahad's position. Provided, of course, that we can see eye to eye on certain political matters." He spoke, staring at his granddaughter. "Unfortunately Carolyn, my own granddaughter, was too skeptical of the political matters. It makes me doubt if I can trust her or not."

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