Chapter 4: Revenge

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Christina above

"Hey." I said to Joshua as I walked over to him feeling bad. "Oh you don't have to apologize just get home, I don't want you to get in trouble." He said. "I'm not." I said.

I then sat down next to him. I could feel and hear the wind moving my hair everywhere. "Do you dislike me Allison?" He asked.

"Joshua I barely even know you." I said. "You know me enough to know whether or not you like my personality." His brown eyes met my blue ones. "I like you." I said. We stared at each other for a moment.

All of sudden Joshua leaned in and kissed me. "What was that for?" I said even though I kind of enjoyed it. "I think your pretty." He said. "Uh Thanks." I said awkwardly scooting over a bit. "Do you like me?" He asked. I sat there frozen. Why was he asking me so many questions? "Maybe." I said staring straight at the tree I'm front of me.

"I like you." He said. I looked up at him in a shock. "You don't have to like me back but just know I do." He said patting me on the back and starting to get up from the bench. I got up as well. "So um I'll see you tomorrow." I said as Joshua got out a piece of paper and wrote something down. "Here's my number, princess." He said as he put the paper in my hand and held it for a while. Then let go. He then walked away after grabbing his backpack.

The next afternoon when I was walking home Cameron and his girlfriend were leaning on his jeep having a make out session. I can't blame the girl, as beautiful as Cameron is id do the same. I had to walk past them on my home and I was stopped. By Cameron.

"Hey Allison come over here." He said as he gestured me to him. "You owe me one." He said "I have asthma." "I never told you to fight him for me." I said. "He was trying to help you." Cameron's girlfriend budded in her little 2 cents. "I understand that but like I said I never asked him to." I said rolling my eyes at his girlfriend who I was pretty sure is Christina. "

"Allison can you just shut the hell up and stop bickering on and on." Yelled Cameron as he licked his beautiful lips. "What do you need so I can go home?" I asked him not making eye contact with him nor Christina. (Christina above) "I need you to help us get revenge on someone." He said giving me a paper with pass codes, and more codes.

"I'll pick you up and we'll talk about everything else but right now just see what you can do with those." He said. "What's there name?" I asked him as Christina started get slightly annoyed at how long me and Cameron were talking.

"Jade Mendez." He said. My mouth opened widely. I had always hated Jade. She thought she was the best everything even as a child. Such a bossy bitch. I remember one time I had to work with her in a project.

She made me do all the work and she took credit for it. So she got full grade and I got half. "I'm excited for this." I said as I could feel my happiness rising. Both Cameron and Christina smiled.

"Give me your number and I'll tell you more about the details later." He said. "Okay, no problem." I said as I wrote my number down on the sheet of paper he gave me and tore it off. He then grabbed it out of my hand and they hopped into the jeep leaving me there to walk home.

It was best to stay on Cameron and Christina's good side anyways. I've seem them do some real messed up things to there enemies. Not like torture and kill them, but they are savages all day long when it comes to stuff like this. But I guess its nice to ruin a bitches life every now and then and this week will be the week that Jade gets what she's been asking for. Finally.

Thanks for reading! More chapters to come.

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