Chapter 5: Revenge Pt 2

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Jade above

I woke up bright and early on Saturday. 
I guess it clearly wasn't early enough for Cameron since he basically blew my phone up about the whole Jade thing.

Cameron: wake up!
Cameron: We've got business to take care of.
Cameron: God damnit Allison.
Cameron: Your no help
Allison: Hold on I'm getting dressed
Cameron: Hurry your ass up, what your address
Allison: Dock road 2986 the house with the pink bike outside.
Cameron: Alright.

I knew Cameron was probably going to want me to be standing outside when he came so I grabbed my purse and headed outside and sat on the the doorsteps. I was looking down at my phone scrolling through Instagram until I saw his jet black Jeep roll in. He had his radio all the way up. Way to wake my mom and dad up. They don't even know I'm leaving. I walked up to the car and pulled the door handle on the back seat. He rolled the passenger side window down. "Get in on the front, what are you doing?" He asked me in a high pitched voice. I took a deep breath and opened the door and got in the car.

We didn't say a word for about 5 minutes. Until I finally broke the peace and asked,"Where's Christina?" "Hung over." He said looking straight at the road. My eyebrows raised up. "That's nice." I replied. He nodded. "So when we get here go to computer 23, alright." He said. "Where will you be?" I asked looking out the window. "I'll be keeping lookout for Jade." He said. "What makes you think I'm good with computers." I asked him. "Isn't it obvious." He said smirking. "Who else can turn a box into a machine without not knowing even just a little bit about technology and computers." I laughed at his explanation. "I guess your right." I said finally looking away from the window to notice we were at some kind of weird looking building. It looked like a mixture of a library and a sanctuary. "You want me to go in there?" I asked him raising one eyebrow up. "Is that a problem?" He said taking his phone out his back pocket. "No, It just looks sketchy." I said, my hands sweating.
"It is sketchy, that's why we're here." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked sitting up straight in my seat. "You'll see." He said as he pressed the button on his seat and mine as well. "I can unbuckle myself, but thanks." I said. He shrugged nervously. We went to the trunk of his jeep. "Here you go." He said as he handed me a black detective jacket. "What's this?" I asked staring at jacket like it was foreign object. "A jacket obviously." He stated.  I put the jacket on and the hat and glasses that he gave me. He had on a police jacket. "The point of all this is?" I asked. "Just come on." He rolled his eyes. We walked up to the door of the building. "Go to computer 23, and use the 4 codes to see which on unlocks Jades computer." He said. "Okay then what do I do?" I asked. "Go to her video files and put all of them on this USB drive." He commanded as he pulled out a blue USB drive with a black streak down the middle of it. "Alright." I replied. I started to walk into the building. I fixed my glasses and searched for the computer. I finally found computer 23. It was a computer all by its self. All the other computers were connected. "This should be quick and easy." I said out loud. I plugged into USB and got the computer turned on. I dried the first and second code and then the third one unlocked the computer. I had no idea what dirt they had on Jade but I wanted to find out. I went into her video files and copied all the video files into the USB drive document. I wanted to see what the videos were all about, but I needed to get what I needed and get out. I got the videos and then turned the computer off. My heart was beating so fast. I walked as fast as I could to get out the building until someone got in my way. "What are you doing here?" Jade glanced at me with her designer purse on her arm and her perfectly done makeup and her ombré colored dress. "Why does it matter to you?" I asked. I saw Cameron through the corner of my eye. I started to look over there at him. He was trying to get my attention. Jade moved her head to where I was looking. "Like I just asked you, what are you doing here?" She asked me again with a annoyed expression plastered across her face. "I just needed drop of some papers." I said. "Sure you did." She said snatching off my glasses. "Your a lying skank."
"Who are you talking to?" I asked her taking my hat off. I put the USB drive in my back pocket. "Cause first of all the only lying skank here is you." I said. "You think you can get whatever the hell you want when you want and that you get just take what people work for and earned." I said. "You have never worked for anything a day in your life." "Your pathetic." She said before rolling her eyes at me and walking pass me to her computer. I watched her walk away then turned back towards the door.

Cameron and I got in the car and he was actually smiling a lot. "We have to celebrate." He said. "We haven't even done anything yet." I said. "Well we have the information we need on that flash drive and this is enough." He said backing out of the drive way. "Sure." I said with my head facing towards the window. "Wait how did Jade not notice you when she came in?" I asked. "I hid behind the bushes." He said. We both laughed. "This has actually been an interesting day." I stated. "Glad you think so." He said. I laughed.

We pulled up at my house after we got back from Friday's. "I'm so full." I said lucking at my window of my room. "Same here." Cameron replied. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to get out the car." I said. "I'll help you." He said as he turned the car key to turn off the car. "Thanks." I said. "You know your a lot different from what i thought you'd be like." "How so?" He asked looking at me. "Your just nicer." I said. "So you thought I was an asshole like that guy." He said. "No, and he isn't an asshole."
"Looked like he was to me." He replied.
"He's just different." I said. "He's had a crazy life I guess." He shrugged. "Your a lot different from I thought you would be like too I guess." He said. I raised my eyebrows up at him. "You ask a lot more questions than I thought you would." He said. I giggled. "Thanks I guess." "And also your a lot more approachable than I thought you'd be." He stated. I smiled and had no idea why I was smiling. "You eat a lot more than what your size looks like you would." He said getting in a thinking position. I started laughing really loud. "Sorry." I said. He looked at me really closing to point to where his eyes were staring into my soul. "But the one thing that I really notice now about you." He paused. "Is how beautiful you are." He said. My eyes widened. "Thanks..." I said awkwardly. This was so awkward and I was only making it worst. He cleared his throat. "It's been good." He said trying to break the awkwardness. I nodded. It wasn't that I didn't want him to call me pretty it was just that he had a girlfriend and honestly after today I really did like Cameron. He really has a different personality from what'd you think he had. I didn't want to intervene with him and Christina. "See you at school Monday?" I asked. "I guess so." He smiled. My heart dropped for a second. The most amazing smile ever. "See yah!" I said getting out the car. I closed the door and he waved at me and I waved back.
I took a deep breath before entering my house.

All night all I could think about was Cameron and Joshua. All I could think about was Cameron beating the shit out of Joshua. Then Joshua saying that he liked me. Then Cameron, I don't even know with Cameron. To much happening all at one time. I couldn't think straight.

Monday came and i couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into the school building. Jade was on the screen in our auditorium. They were playing the videos on her file. All the videos were of Jade doing some type of witch craft or something. "What the hell?" Jennifer said from behind me. "Exactly." I replied. Jennifer was one of my best friends. "I always knew she was a crazy bitch but I didn't know she was this crazy!" A voice behind us exclaimed. What had I just done!

Thanks for reason this crazy story guys. I know it's been a long time since I updated it, but it needed to be done so here we go. Thanks for reading, I'll have more on the way! Bye!!!!!

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