Backstage Pass

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(F/n)'s pov:

When I got our hotel room a saw (y/n) laying face down on the bed. "(Y/n), are you okay?", I asked while sitting on the bed next to her.

(Y/n)'s pov:

I heard (f/n) come in the room but didn't mind her. 'I can't believe I embarrassed myself like that I can never face them again." I though to myself. I felt the bed dip a little and (f/n) say softly, "(Y/n), are you okay?". I mumbled a maybe and tried to sink deeper in the bed. I suddenly felt a slight weight sitting on my back. "(F/n)!!" I wined trying to sit up. "Get off." I said smiling lightly. "Not until you say that you are okay and will get ready for bed because we have a big day tomorrow.", she said smiling her smile that could make anyone's day better. I sighed a quick fine and she got off my back. "Quick question though.", she said grabbing the t.v remote. I started getting comfortable on the bed making room for the both of us, "Ask away." She sat on the bed and turned the t.v on "Why did you run away like that?" she said looking at me. I looked at my hands in my lap and laughed lightly " You know, I'm not really sure. I guess it was just too much for me to handle at the moment. I'm still trying to process that I'm actually in South Korea." I smiled at (f/n). "Thank you for this (f/n)." I said with a closed eye smile lightly hugging her. She hugged back and said, "You're welcome. I knew you needed this break." She smiled and then pointed her finger at me now you better get some rest. Goodnight." I went over to my bed and laid down smiling lightly, "Goodnight (F/n)." 

~Time Skip to later on in the next day~

(F/n)'s pov:

I still haven't told (y/n) where we were going today. I hope she doesn't react like she did yesterday , but I don't think she will. Were on the way to the concert right now I even got backstage passes so we will be seeing the show from the side but at least well be able to hang out with them after the show. 

(Y/n)'s pov:

 I look over at (f/n) to see her smiling while staring out the window. "So will you finally tell me where were going (f/n). She looks at me and smiles even brighter, "Nope but I just need you to trust me." I smile at her, "Of course I trust you I wouldn't be here if i didn't silly." After about thirty minutes me arrived at some kind of building that people would go to for concerts. (F/n) got out and paid the driver and started towards the building with me following not far behind. Then suddenly it all clicked, me and (f/n) are here to see Got7 perform. 'Oh no I can't do this I'm just gonna embarrass myself even worse.' I must of had worry on my face because when (f/n) looked back at me she gave me a small smile and said, " Don't worry I won't let you embarrass yourself worse than before I'll help you this time." She looped our arms together, " Now lets go and cheer them on like there's no tomorrow."(F/n) smiled brightly, " Okay." I smiled back at her heading inside. When we got inside I was about to get into the line to find our seats but (f/n) stopped me, "Actually I've got our seats somewhere else." I looked at her questionably but did as she told and followed her to the "BACKSTAGE!" I shouted making (f/n) jump slightly and others to give us questionably looks. I blushed slightly and mumbled a quick sorry to her. "It's okay I just thought that you would have more fun being able to see from here up close and personal." (f/n) said with a smile, "Do you like it?". "Like it?No." I said making her frown. " I love it!" I said smiling brightly and hugging her. "Thank you." I said quietly and pulled away to see her smiling and then look behind me and smile even brighter. "Yugyeom!" (f/n) said walking up to him and the others. I looked down at my feet and blushed remembering my last encounter with them. "Hey (f/n), I'm glad you could make it." Yugyeom said walking up to her and giving her a hug. "Hey! don't hog her all to yourself we missed her too!" Jackson said walking up to her giving her a hug. This caused the rest of the guys to walk up and give her a hug and say hello. (F/n) looked over to see you and walked over to you saying "Guys this is my best friend (Y/n)." I looked up slightly, still blushing, and slightly waved saying a quite hello. "Well it's very nice to meet you but we need to get going but we will see you later on. "Hope you enjoy the show."Jaebum said while walking off with the others. Once I made sure they were gone I let out my breath. "See that wasn't so bad." (F/n) said nudging me slightly. I looked at her and smiled, " Yeah but that was because you were here." (F/n) nodded, "Well we better get comfortable it's about to start." I sat on the floor and (F/n) laughed joining me. 

About halfway through the concert they started singing my favorite song 'If you do'. I started mouthing the words and (F/n) stood up starting to dance. I laughed and stood up dancing too while laughing and having a good time. In the middle of the song I looked over on the stage to look at the others and I made eye contact with my bias. Choi Youngjae. I completely stopped and just looked at him with a slight blush on my face. (F/n) had noticed  I stopped dancing and started looking in the direction I was looking at. I had never noticed how angelic his voice truly was until now. (F/n) smiled and poked my cheek, " I think someone has a crush on Youngjae." I stopped smiling and my face turned into a tomato and I shook my head no. (F/n) smirked and then stood in front of me looking in my eyes saying, "Oh okay I'll just tell him that you don't. Boy will he be upset that you don't like him back." My eyes went wide, "He likes me!" I said with hope in my voice. (F/n) turned around jumping up and down, " I knew it, I knew it. You like Youngjae, You like Youngjae." I slapped my hand over her mouth and said, "Shhh fine you caught me just please don't tell him I like him. I don't to be rejected and after my first introduction I don't think he'll like me back." (F/n) looked at me and smiled, "Well if he doesn't I'll help you." I looked at her and smiled, " Really? Thank you." Then I saw her staring at Yugyeom and smirked, "So," I said looking at (F/n), "Tell me about you and Yugyeom."

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