Lazy Night In

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Y/N's Pov:

I groan slightly feeling someone shake me lightly. "What" I say while pulling the covers closer to my face trying to fall back asleep. I hear a laugh and open one of my eyes to see a familiar brown haired someone sitting in front of me and I smile lightly. He stops laughing and looks at me with a smile on his face and I smile back. I sit up and swing my legs over his bed yawning while stretching. Youngjae rubs my back looking at me, "How'd you sleep?"he asks. I nod my head signifying that I had a good sleep. He stands up and helps me up and then hugs me, "Well I'm glad because I was worried about you. I want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to that I'm here for you but don't push yourself to tell me anything." he says and the kisses the top of my head. I smile and nod while hugging him tighter. He lets go and then tells me to freshen up and then go to the living room when I'm ready. He leaves the room and I go to the restroom and freshen myself up. 

I go into the living room and my eyes widen and I get a huge smile on my face. There are streamers, lights, and balloons all around the room. Everyone is gathered in a half circle smiling at me and yell surprise. F/n comes up to me and gives me a giant hug while smiling. I thank them all and then we all go to the kitchen to have some dinner. After dinner it's around 9pm so we decide to all sit around and watch a movie. I sat next to Youngjae and F/n sat next to Yugyeom. BamBam sat on another couch with Jaebum, Jackson, and Jinyoung while Mark decided to sit in front of Jackson. You guys decided to watch a Halloween movie called Coraline.  Around half way through the movie mostly everyone is asleep except Yugyeom, F/n, Youngjae and I. Yugyeom keeps dozing off and his head keeps falling onto F/n's shoulder. She smiles and puts her head atop of his. I smile at the two and can feel the happiness radiating off of them. I look over at Youngjae to see him looking at the TV screen focusing. I lean my head onto his shoulder and smile as I feel him wrap his arm around my shoulders to bring me closer to him. 

The movie ends around 11:30ish and the only ones awake is Youngjae and I. We watch the credits cross over the screen not moving since we are both comfortable. I look around the room slightly laughing by seeing how everyone is sleeping. Mark ended up cuddling Jackson's leg since Jackson had been put on the floor since there was not much room. Jinyoung and Jaebum ended up cuddling each other in some sort of way. BamBam ended up laying across the top half of the couch and is slowly falling. I look over my shoulder to see Yugyeom holding F/n like a baby in his arms while his head is laying on the back of the couch. You can already tell his neck will be hurting in the morning so you sit up slightly and push him so his head and body will slightly move so he won't hurt his neck. Youngjae watches you while you do this and you look back over at him and smile. You lean to his ear and whisper to not wake the others, " As much as I love sleeping on a couch do you think we could go sleep in your bed instead?" You feel yourself slightly blush as you say this but to be completely honest you didn't think you could sleep on another couch again tonight. He nods his head while smiling and then stands up and grabs your hand leading you to his bedroom. 

Once I see Youngjae's bed I run and jump onto it and sigh in relief knowing I don't have to sleep on a couch tonight. Youngjae chuckles before going to his closet and grabbing a pair of shorts and a night tee. He goes into the restroom and changes and does the rest of his nightly routine. When he comes back into the room I look at him and sheepishly smile, "Do you have a nightshirt and shorts that I could borrow again tonight?" Youngjae nods his head and heads to his closet again and grabs another shirt and small shorts that don't fit him anymore. I go to the restroom and change then head back to his room. Before reaching his room I stop at a closet and grab a few extra blankets and pillows for everyone and go to the living room. I cover everyone up and give everyone pillows before going back to Youngjae's room. When I get to the room I see him in the bed plugging up his phone. He notices that I'm in the room and smiles at me before patting the empty bed spot next to him. I climb in with a slight pinkness to my cheeks and get under the covers next to him. He pulls me closer to him and kisses the top of my head, "What took so long? Did you get lost?" He chuckles a bit and I shake my head, "No I was just getting everyone blankets and pillows." He hums and you feel him smile, "I didn't know I was dating such a sweet lady" You feel yourself blush darker and smile, "Well now you do." He chuckles again and pulls you even closer and you feel satisfied. You turn yourself around to face him and put your head on his chest and hug him. He starts to play with your hair and hum a random tune to you. I feel myself slowly start to fall asleep and I feel at peace. Right before I fall asleep I hear Youngjae say something but I'm not really sure if I heard it right. I guess I'll ask him in the morning if I remember.

Author's Note: I'm so sorry this is so short and its been so long since I've written a chapter. I'm going to try to write one every single day and make them a little longer but I'm hella tired and I've got school to do tomorrow but I promise that I won't be gone as long as I've been. I hope you liked this chapter despite it being short, if not I'll try to do better next time. Well, until next time, byeeeeee...

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