The Call

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(Y/n)'s Pov:

I woke up to feeling my phone vibrating against my hand. I slightly rubbed my eyes and then looked at the caller id. When I saw the name my eyes widened and I got up quickly and stepped into the hall to make sure I didn't wake anyone up. "Hello?", I answered the call quietly so I wouldn't wake anyone up. " WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!" my mom screamed into the phone. I cringed slightly, " Look i'm tired of your shit so I left", I said calmly. " Where are you I'm coming to get you weather you like it or not, You can't leave me", she answered loud but not as loudly as before. This made me mad, "ACTUALLY I CAN, I MEAN I'VE TECHNICALLY RAISED MY SELF I'M PRETTY SURE THAT I CAN STILL DO IT, IT'S NOT LIKE YOU CARE BECAUSE IF YOU DID YOU WOULD HAVE STOPPED BY NOW AND  ACTED LIKE AND ADULT AND I WOULD STILL BE THERE, BUT GUESS WHAT YOU DIDN'T STOP AND I'M NEVER COMING BACK!", at this point I was crying and didn't care that I screamed. My mother was about to say something when I hung up, I slid down the wall crying. It took a lot for me to cry let alone in public or in someone else house. I heard (f/n) run to me, "Oh my (y/n) what happened?" she hugged me. At the corned of my  eye I see the others come into the hall all tired. Youngjae saw me on the floor and instantly was at (f/n)'s side asking what happened. (F/n) saw my phone buzzing seeing the caller id knowing why I was acting the way I was she turns towards Youngjae telling him to calm you down while she answers the phone call. Youngjae tell the guys to go back to sleep, he turns back to me about to say something when Coco came running and knocked him over and jumped in my lap. This caused me to giggle slightly while petting Coco and watching Youngjae struggle to get back up I giggle seeing this feeling slightly better. Youngjae smiled at me which caused me to blush slightly, he giggled at this causing me to blush harder but laughing slightly with him. He scooted over next to me against the wall and put his arm over me, 'Oh my god he's gonna kill me' I thought as my cheeks got redder than before if that's even possible. " Are you okay?" he asked looking at me with caring eyes that everyone wants to see when they feel like they are all alone. I looked at him back in the eyes nodding my head slightly, " I am now." I set my head on his shoulder and got really sleepy, crying your eyes out really does tire a person. My eyes slightly got heavier and heavier I was almost asleep when I heard him say, " I will keep you safe, I promise." and with that I fell asleep.

Youngjae's Pov:

I knew that (y/n) was going to fall asleep, after crying for a long amount of time it really is tiring. I just couldn't stop thinking about what made her so distraught but whatever it was I guess I could wait until she was ready to tell me. I saw (f/n) come back to see (y/n) asleep on my shoulder and a sleeping Coco in hers. (F/n) giggled at the sight and told me to take her somewhere comfortable to sleep, so I picked up (y/n) while (f/n) picked up Coco. I took (y/n) to Jaebum and my room and laid her on my bed , but when I went to leave she grabbed my arm. I was about to ask why but I saw that she was still sleeping and decided to lay with her since I was also a bit tired. I drifted off to sleep with the feeling of comfort and happiness.

(F/n)'s Pov:

I woke up to hear (y/n) screaming something that I couldn't understand, but ran to her anyways. When I got to her she was against the wall crying, I instantly went up to her and hugged her asking what was wrong but didn't receive an answer. I heard the others come in and Youngjae was asking what was wrong, I didn't really know myself until I saw her phone buzzing with the one caller id that  I hated to see. I took her phone and got up telling Youngjae to calm her down while walking away and talking to the bitch who didn't deserve to call (y/n) her daughter. After I finished dealing with the witch I walked back to where I left (y/n) and Youngjae to see that she was fast asleep on Youngjae's shoulder with Coco in her arms. It was so cute that I took a photo on her phone before giggling lightly to show that I was back. I told Youngjae to take (y/n) somewhere comfortable to lay while taking Coco away from her. He did as told and took her to Jaebum and his room while I walked into the living room laying back down with Yugyeom. I was worried for her but also proud for standing up to the woman. I fell back asleep to sleep for a bit longer since it was like 4 in the morning ,so I snuggled up with Yugyeom and closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep.

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