Deals and Feels

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I stuck my hand out to (f/n), "Deal?" She grabbed my hand and shook it, "Deal." I smiled and got comfortable sitting in between (f/n) and Youngjae. "So (y/n), what movie should we watch?", Jackson said bending down looking at the movies they had. "By any chance do you have The Conjuring?" I asked while looking at Jackson. "Actually, yes we got it the other day your in luck." he said while putting it in the DVD player. "Yes",  I said quietly for only me to hear. I heard a slight laugh to the right of me. It was Youngjae, 'I guess I didn't say it quite enough', I though with a slight blush on my cheeks. Jaebum left the room saying that he was going to go order the pizza and Jinyoung said that he was going to go and get us some drinks and a little bit of popcorn. Yugyeom and Youngjae decided to go get blankets for everyone since it was slightly chilly in the room. Mark and BamBam spoke to me and (f/n) while the others were doing what they needed to. By the time everyone got back to the room the movie started playing and I sneaked a quick glance at (f/n) seeing that she was nervous and smiled lightly to myself. I pulled the covers up slightly getting more comfortable while watching the movie. As the beginning was playing my mind drifted to what (f/n) had said earlier that day. 'Do I really like Youngjae?' I asked myself. I slightly looked over at Youngjae to see his face being lit up by the TV screen. He truly was beautiful. I know that sounds cheesy but I can't help but say it. I guess at some point he noticed I was staring because he was staring at me with a light pink spread across his adorable cheeks. This caused me look back at the screen blushing like a mad woman so I brought the covers up to my face. 'Oh my god I'm such and idiot he caught me staring.', I thought but then looked over at (f/n) and Yugyeom. They were cuddled up close to each other under the covers. They really are perfect for each other ,and they look really cute together.

After about another ten minutes into the movie I was regretting the movie I chose. I mean don't get me wrong I love me a good horror movie but when you can't scream it's like ten times scarier. It had been a while since I had seen the movie so its not like I knew what was gonna come up but with the music I know there is about to be a jump scare. I look over at (f/n) to see her slightly putting her face in Yugyeom's chest. 'Aww they're so cute! I totally ship it and I have a feeling that this ship is gonna sail soon.' I thought to myself while looking back at the movie. From the corner of eye I've been seeing Youngjae looking at me from time to time. I touch my face thinking that is something is there but when I remove my hand from my face it doesn't have anything on it. When I was about to look over to Youngjae and ask him if something was there I felt something go over my shoulder. I look over at Youngjae and see him smiling lightly with a small blush on his cheeks. I blush to his action but let it happen anyway and scoot a little closer to him. 

(F/n)'s pov:

It's been about twenty minutes since the movie has started and I'm surprised I haven't screamed yet, but I am happy about how me and Yugyeom are sitting with my head on his chest. I think the reason I haven't screamed is because of the beautiful sound I've been listing to since the beginning of the movie. The soft pitter patter of Yugyeom's heart. The rhythm of it is very relaxing and soothing to the point of where I could listen to it forever. I feel a slight movement from (y/n)'s side of her sitting beside me. I lift my head lightly to see her sitting closely next to Youngjae with his arm around her shoulders. I knew this would happen, it's technically the only reason I agreed to watching a horror movie. Well that and being able to cuddle with Yugyeom. I smiled to myself wanting to stay like this forever. I looked at the TV again to watch what was about to happen. "No don't go and open that door, that's where the noise is coming from dumb ass." I said talking to the TV. This caused everyone in the room to laugh.

(Y/n)'s pov:

After hearing (f/n) say that I couldn't help but laugh, the way she acted like the woman could hear her from the screen. After we all stopped laughing we continued watching the movie. I leaned my head on Youngjae's chest to get more comfortable. When this happened I heard his heart beat's pace quicken but only for a small second. I smiled to myself 'I wish I could stay like this forever.' I thought while watching the movie.

Youngjae's pov:

After we all finished laughing we continues watching the movie like that didn't happen. I felt (y/n) put her head on my chest and this made my heart beat quicken. The way she makes me feel is amazing. She's so nice and funny, and the way Coco warmed up to her so quickly warms up my heart. When I first saw her it was like I finally saw what people in love meant. All of my colors got brighter and time stopped. The way her skin shinned when the sun hit it made her look like a goddess. Yes I saw Coco trip her I was gonna go help her but I couldn't. She was just so gorgeous I couldn't move it was like I was under a trance, a trance that could only be broken by her and her only. When I hear her laugh it's like hearing music for the first time. You know the kind you want to play over and over but you don't because that would ruin the song, but with her it's not like that. I could listen to her speak for hours it's crazy how she makes me feel I hope we can grow closer. I hope that she will trust me will all her heart and even let me steal it but of course for her I would give it back if she wants. I smile and look at her. I wish I could stay like this forever.

3rd person pov:

After about ten more minutes no one screamed, but with that in mind of all of them they were super focused on the movie. No one knew that the pizza man was on the way up the stairs to the apartment. When he got to the top he deiced to ring the door bell so they could hear him since he could hear how loud the TV was. When the pizza man rung the door bell all nine screamed and looked at each other. It was silent but Mark decided to speak up, "I'll answer it." We all laughed at how we all screamed and decided to split up the bill.

(Y/n)'s pov:

After we all ate we watched one more movie but it wasn't a horror but I still sat how I was next to Youngjae. After the movie ended we decided that we would all sleep out in the living room. Me and (f/n) got dressed for bed while the guys got everything set up. When we went back to the living room Mark,BamBam,Jackson,Jaebum,and Jinyoung were fast asleep seeing this caused me and (f/n) to giggle slightly. Youngjae and Yugyeom looked at us and smiled. Yugyeom called (f/n) over and told her that she would be sleeping next to him. (F/n) blushed lightly but went and laid down next to him anyway. Youngjae looked at me and patted the sleeping bag next to him I lightly blushed and went and laid down next to him. I turned around to look at him to see him already staring at me already I blushed harder but didn't look away. I stared deep into his eyes and looked at his face taking in every detail. His face was like a painting that I just couldn't get myself to look away. The way he makes my heart flutter when he smiles or the way my heart beat gets faster when he's near me. It makes me feel like I've finally found the piece of life I was missing. I remember the first time I saw him on YouTube it was because of (f/n) of course but I wasn't complaining. Then when I heard him sing I knew that he would be my bias. He was so sweet,kind, and funny I couldn't not look at him. I smiled at him and thought to myself, '(f/n) was right, I do like him and I don't think I will ever stop.'

Youngjae's pov:

I saw her staring at me I knew she was in her mind but I didn't mind. I finally had the chance to look at her face in every detail. She was so beautiful the way that her freckles spread across her face it looked like the night sky and it was just amazing.(Ignore that if you don't have freckles) I remember first hearing about her. It was one night when Yugyeom was skyping (f/n) and she couldn't stop talking about (y/n) and how caring and nice you were to her. I remember asking (f/n) all kinds of questions about you. It was like you were a drug and I couldn't live without you. I looked at you eyes and got lost in them but saw you smile and smiled back thinking, 'I really like her and I don't think I will ever loose this feeling.'

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