Ship 8: Danothan's Child

165 12 0

Parents Analysis: Dan Pawlovich and Jon[athon] Walker

Personality: while addicted to weed unfortunately, they have enough decency to save it for after school hours. If you ask them why they smoke, they'll more than likely respond with "why not". Very polite; tries to behave well around their peers.  While not much of a book-smart person, their common sense makes up for it (despite the fact they do weed). Usually a level-headed person. Does pretty well in History class, and has a taste for Music class.

Notes: this is a crack ship, and made just for humor purposes. Has a weird obsession with wearing flip flops with everything. Favorite topics to talk about are weed and granola, but will talk about anything. When smoking, they're usually seen with either the Ryden Child or the Joncer Child; or maybe even both.

*Log last updated on 9/9/16

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