Chapter 1

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New school year, new people. New classes, new teachers. Greeeaaat.

I rolled out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was sticking up. I grabbed a brush and started to brush through my mane. After I was done brushing my hair, I sprayed some hairspray in my hair, so it wouldn't frizz. I then got dressed. Rolling Stones t-shirt, and black shorts. My mom always wants me to dress "cute" on the first day. Well, Mick Jagger is cute, so, it's a win-win. I get to wear what I want, and my mom gets something cute out of it all. I then went to the bathroom to wash my face. I noticed a huge zit on my forehead, thank god my bangs cover it. I started to put my make-up on. 

Awesome, I'm ready to go. 

I skipped eating anything for breakfast, because apparently, seniors get to eat breakfast on their first day because we're having a "meeting," before class. I guess to talk about the first day of being a senior, and blah, blah, blah.

I went outside and waited for the bus, which I hated to take. But I had no other way to get to school. My mom already left for work, and school is four miles away. 

Let's just hope there isn't hardly anyone on the bus this morning, I wanted to sleep a bit before we got there.

It took the bus a good ten minutes to get to my house. I got on the bus and went straight to the back. Thank god the last seat was empty. I flung my backpack onto the seat, and then I layed down, using my backpack as a pillow.

I then woke up, we were already at school. My friend, Gwen was sitting next to me.

"Good morning sleepy head. Sleep well?" She smiled.

I sat up and stretched my arms out, punching her in the face, "I slept fine."

"Geez Juliet. Would you mind not punching me in the face?"

I looked over at her, "Sorry."

"Come on, we better go. Everyone got off of the bus five minutes ago."

We got off of the bus and ran inside. All of the seniors were already in the auditorium. We snuck in and stood in the back. We were next to a man, I assumed was one of the new teachers. He was tall, he had long, black hair, which was pulled back into a pony tail. He dressed sharp, he wore a suit. He was really attractive, to be honest. He looked over at me and smiled.

"You're too cute to be a teacher." I said.

Gwen looked over to see what I was talking about.

"I'm Mr. Warner." He held his hand out.

"Juliet." I shook his hand, "And this is my friend Gwen."

They shook hands.

"Mr. Warner.. You're the new twelfth grade English teacher!" Gwen said.

He smiled, "Indeed I am."

"I think I have you, fourth period." I said, looking him up and down.

"I think I do too," Gwen looked at me, "Guess we finally have a class together." She smiled.

I leaned towards Mr. Warner, "Don't sit me next to her, she's weird."

Gwen slapped me, "I heard that."

I smiled, "I love you."

He chuckled.

"So, do you have a first name?" Gwen asked.


"Brian Warner." I said to myself, "That name sounds familiar." I looked up at him.

He shrugged his shoulders. 

"So, when is this meeting over with? I missed breakfast, I really want food."

He looked at his watch, "The meeting is over at eight, it's now seven forty."

I groaned, "Fuck. Really?"

"Young lady, do you want to be in trouble on your first day?" A woman standing across from us said.

I smiled, "No ma'am, I'm sorry."

She smiled and turned back.

I rolled my eyes, "I guess she's new too."

"You seem like a cool guy." Gwen said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you didn't yell at me for saying... fuck."  I smiled.

He smiled back, "Well, I just don't care as much as, her." He nodded his head towards the woman.

"Which makes you cool." Gwen continued.

Finally the meeting was over. We went out to the lobby, there were tables set up with food. I grabbed a bagel, muffin, and a thing of cereal.

"I have the metabolism of a five year old." I said taking a bit of the muffin.

Brian laughed, "I remember those days."

"You're skinny though." Gwen said, picking up a cup of milk.

"I have a treadmill at home." 

I laughed, "Same! I use it for an hour every day."

"Well, there you go. And good for you."

"I feel like this is going to be a great year." I say with a mouthful of food.

"Come on Juliet, let's get to class." She said pushing me.

Our first period classes were right across from each other. I had science and she had history.

"Hey Mrs. Tix!" I say as I take my seat.

"Hello Juliet. I assume your summer was good?" She smiled.

"It was fantastic. I slept the whole summer." 

She laughed. 

Mrs. Tix, or Ashley, was my teacher the past two years. She was a lot like me, and she was also twenty five. Her hair was long and black, just like Mr. Warners. She also wore size 8 gauges, which her long hair covered. 

"How was your summer?" I asked.

"It was amazing." She held her left hand out. Her ring finger wore an engagement ring.

I smiled really big, "Brad proposed?! When? On your birthday?" I examined the ring.

"Of course." She smiled.

"Congradulations. When's the wedding?"

"Next summer."

"Aw, I'm so happy for you guys. You two are so cute together! I have to text Gwen and tell her." I took my phone out.

"Make it quick, class starts in a minute." She smiled and then walked to her desk.

I turned back at her, "So, have you met the new english teacher, Mr. Warner?"

"Yes I have. Why?"

"Well, I think he's hot."

She laughed, "Oh, Juliet. He's like, ten years older than you."

I laughed too, "So? Isn't Brad ten years older than you?"

"Touche." She pointed her finger at me.

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