Chapter Three

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Audrey's POV:

"Now, please find a partner. And, no, it can not be the same one from the last unit. Now, go." Ms. Merie said, giving a few of us a pointed look. I looked over at Abigail, pouting. We had been partners last time, so we couldn't be this time. Abigail was actually good at sports, but wasn't always noticed. And she was pretty legit at badminton, which was our unit now.

Abigail rolled her eyes. "I just can't take her seriously with the sweatpants and the blue eye shadow!" She whisper yells, going past me as I laughed, going over to Meg. Of course, if we weren't partners, they would be. They would probably talk about books too. I sighed, and looked around for anyone decent to be partners with. Harry was in this class, but he was with Liam. I sighed, and looked to the left, and sighed again. Looks like I'm partners with Crusty. I shivered. I hope I didn't get a disease.

"Aw, are you shivering because you feel my presence?" Said a rich Irish voice behind me.


I turned around, my lips curled into a smile. "Oh, yes. The disgust is just overwhelming." I said, readjusting a bobbypin in my hair, which was at the moment up in a ponytail.

Niall feigned a look of hurt. "Ouch. That hurt. A lot." He said, rubbing his chest. The motion brought my eyes to his torso, and I almost started drooling. I'd been too caught up in his eyes to notice he was wearing a tank top and basketball shorts. Talk about attractive! Damn. . .

"Good." I force myself to say, reluctantly bringing my gaze back to his eyes. "It was supposed to. That's kinda the point of an insult."

"Jeez, is it hate Niall day?" He asks, half smiling.

"Well, that's what it's marked as on my calendar, so. . ."

He chuckled, his laugh deep and contagious. I smiled back, omitting a small laugh of my own. "Anyways, back on topic, do you wanna be my partner?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

Hell yes! Is what I wanted to say, but I settled for "Sure, I don't got anyone better."

He rolled his bright blue eyes. "So kind." He muttered as we walked over to grab a birdy and and our rackets. I decided not to reply to that exactly, but instead I said, "Hey, we should play Abs and Meg."

He selected a racket for himself and one for me, nodding. "Sure."

I smiled. "Great, let's go." I walked up to Abigail, and noticed her eyes were focused on something. I started to look in that direction, but all I saw was Harry and Liam flexing, comparing biceps. Why was she looking over there?

Abigail's dark blue eyes snapped back to me. "Yeah?"

"You cool with playing Niall and I?" I ask, tossing the birdy up and catching it.

Her eyes widened and she smiled. "Ooo, you and Ni-all!"

"Oh, hush up you vampire!" I say, giving her a playful glare as I walked back to Niall. He smiled and took his position on the court. I took mine right as Abigail and Meg took theirs.

Niall smirked, taking the birdy from me, and getting ready to serve. "You ready for your asses to be kicked?"

"I could ask the same of you, Horan." Meg said, smirking right back at him. Abigail laughed and threw her head back, causing Meg's smirk to grow. I just rolled my eyes playfully, then Niall served.

And so it had begun.


It was a few hours later, and everyone was at the last home football game of the season. I had Niall on one side of me, and Theresa on the other. Abigail was in front of me, either reading or getting up and screaming at the refs and players alike. I'm glad it was so loud, because she might have been kicked out otherwise. Caitlyn was next to her, eating ice cream with Micheal in the nippy cold air. Like, what the hell? They're such weirdos. . .

Louis was next to Harry, who was a few rows down from us, surrounded by the rest of Micheal's band, and a crowd of flirtatious girls. I noticed Louis kept looking back at Caitlyn and Micheal, his jaw clenching. I really needed to find out what was going on between them. . .

Zayn wasn't here, because, as Niall put it, it frankly just wasn't his thing. That's not surprising. Zayn's the "Bad Boy " of the group, and often went off by himself to do who knows what. I sure as hell didn't, that's for sure.

Surprisingly, I had actually tried to look decent tonight. I had my hair down and was wearing jeans and a sweater that actually fit. I was wearing my navy blue knitted beanie and minimal makeup. Now, my minimal isn't like a typical white girl's. It's actually, well, minimal. I was only wearing a light coat of mascara and some shimmery lip gloss. I thought I looked pretty good, and Abigail noticed right away and complimented me with a wink and a nudge, glancing between Niall and I. They also kept whispering to me that Niall was staring, but would constantly look away. I only saw it once, and he quickly turned his head, his pale cheeks flushed. Needless to say, I wanted to hug her then strangle her with her own blonde hair. But then Theresa joined in, wiggling her eyebrows, and I broke, cracking a smile.

Anyways, at this moment we had just scored a touchdown. Jumping up with the rest of the crowd, we all began clapping and cheering. Liam, the star quarterback who had ended up making a split decision and had ran the ball, running thirty-seven yards and entering the in-zone with no competition whatsoever, ran back right by the stands, causing a lot of girls to scream. He took his helmet off, as he was going to the sidelines anyways, and flashed a brilliant grin. He really was a nice guy, even to sluts and whatnot.

In the midst of my cheering, which was still going on, Niall paused and looked over at me, causing me to do the same with him, my eyebrows drawn together in confusion. He reached out and grabbed a lock of my brown hair, which has a natural ombre that I hate. He twirled it around his long musician fingers, bringing his intense gaze up to meet my own confused eyes and rosy cheeks. "I really like your hair down." He whispers alluringly, smiling gently at me. I blushed harder.

"Thanks. . ." I say quietly, not sure if he could even hear me. Soon we realized we were the only ones standing, so we quickly sat back down. I refused to look at him, turning instead to Theresa who was grinning like a fool and bouncing her legs like a maniac. Giving her a look and looking straight ahead, I turned my focus back on the game. When the other team called a timeout, I felt a hand grab my own, and turned to see Niall entwining our fingers, smiling sheepishly at me. I blushed, for the millionth time that night, but didn't move my hand. I looked down, relying on my hair to cover my huge grin.

Before I knew it, the third quarter was over, and Niall stood up, pulling me with him. "C'mon." He said in my ear, tugging on my hand. Not sure what was going on, I folowed him. Leading me up the stairs, we walked across the stands, ending up in a shadowy area, in-between the concessions stand and the hill where the young ones play.

"Audrey?" His Irish voice was intoxicating, making me want to lean in and have him whisper things in my ear all night long. I shivered at the thought.

"Yes?" I said looking into his gorgeous eyes.

"What I'm going to do next may not sit well, but, honestly, I don't think I can wait anymore." He said, his eyes unreadable.

I bit my lip. "Niall, what are you-" I was suddenly cut off my Niall's lips crashing onto mine while he pulled me against his chest.


Hey, It's Abigail! (@Abigail_Thomas)

I hope you like this chapter, it was so cute to write I was giggling and jumping around while planning it out.

So anyways, if you aren't reading it already, Audrey and I have another Niall fanfic on this account, Broken Lies, and if you want, go and check it out! I think it's pre-tty legit.

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