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this is just a thing i based off on BTS' prologue.
Taehyung's POV

I stared at the bright blue sky solemnly, the soft breeze blew through the thin strands of my brown hair. The sound of trees swaying with the wind as birds flew by, chirping a melodious tune. The serene atmosphere was broken by a hoarde of footsteps, along with familiar voices. I tried to shut them out to enjoy the silence longer but the footsteps kept coming closer, towards me.

"Oi! Are you sleeping?" Namjoon shook me, bringing me out of my trance.

I sat up and saw my friends surrounding me with cheeky smiles, joking around about my sleepy state. I returned a lopsided grin, causing them to burst into a fit of laughter. Jungkook suggested we sit by the edge of the bank to enjoy the view better.

Namjoon scurried off to get the polaroid camera to take a picture altogether. Meanwhile, the other six of us went off to find a convenient spot to sit on. The sun was starting to set, emitting an orange glow on the sky. The oldest one among us, Jin, took the camera from Namjoon to take a quick snap of the scenery.

"Beautiful. Like me." We groaned atbhis playfully arrogant remark, as he laughed at our similar reactions.

I looked off to the tall ledge beside us, the wind blew once more, leaves flying with the breeze.

"I dare you to jump off that ledge!" Jimin nudged my side,  mischievous smirk plastered on his face.

My eyes widened, my hand shakingly pointing at the ledge,  horrified expression on my face. Yoongi patted my back, encouraging me to do the dare.

"The ocean will cushion your landing," Hoseok reassured me with a warm smile.

I sighed and got up,'it's not that scary, right?' I thought. I inhaled deeply and started to climb up the tall ledge, my heart feeling heavier and heavier as I ascend up the ledge. Finally, I got to the top. I looked back at my six friends cheering me on and my heart felt more at ease. I remembered how tiring my week was, how many problems I had encountered the whole year. I stared down at the ocean eight metres below me, the moving waters seemed to make me nauseas. Then, I took a deep breath of fresh air and jumped...

As I fell, everything seemed to slow down around me. The cool air hit my face as my body neared the ocean. The weight of my problems brought me down further. I closed my eyes and plunged into the ocean. Sounds of cheering from my friends could no longer be heard. The water around me was suffocating me, my problems were drowning me, swallowing me whole. My heart pounded in my ears, but my body stayed still. I had to let it all go somehow.

I swam to the surface, towards the light, the sun, my friends. I surfaced, water splashing everywhere. I felt happy, like I escaped my sea of problems by resurfacing. All I had to do was to relax and keep calm before finding a solution to escape the wrath of the sea.

"Woo!" I exclaimed, raising my fist above the water, proud of my accomplishment of the dare while my friends clapped in response. I smiled knowing that I can always count on my friends.


not proof read.

i wrote this for my english homework HAHA what even. its a good thing my teacher actually let me include the bts members 🌚🌚👌

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