Chapter 6

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"Never was anything great achieved without danger." -Niccolo Machiavelli

Chapter 6

Harry POV

She's afraid and doesn't want me. I tug at my hair and cry silently. I have yelled a couple times, but that was because I couldn't stand her leaving just because she thinks I could do that to her. I wouldn't do that to her, nothing like that. The fact that she dreamed of me killing her makes me sick to my stomach and I don't even want to know what she is thinking.

I glance over at her and she is in the same position, her head on her legs, arms wrapped protectively around them. She looks like a scared child, but she's afraid of me, not thunder or the monster under the bed. The way that I am making her be afraid sends a feeling of guilt through my body as I watch her shake. I decide to make my way over to her, so I carefully stand up, the last tears falling from my cheeks. I walk over and lift her up, carrying her to her bed. I am surprised she doesn't refuse and start to kick and scream. She is silent.

I lay her on her back and she looks up at me, her eyes are puffy and red and the tears are streaking down her cheeks. I move my hand and brush them away quickly, placing my hand on her cheek. She hesitantly leans into my touch and closes her eyes.

"I would never, even think of doing that to you Mackenzie. The thought nearly sickens me and I would kill myself if I did that to you."

She grabs my wrist and pulls it off her cheek. My heart shatters but I watch her lean to grab the other hand. I gratefully let her grab it and she looks down at my hands.

"I think we should take it slow Harry."

I look at her light, sleepy eyes which look into mine. "Baby, no. I want to be there for you. I want to care for you, hold you, sleep next to you and keep my arms wrapped around you. I want you to forget about the world and be with me. I will do anything for you and I want to keep you safe. Your heart beats to live and so does mine, but I can't picture yours without mine. I need you there Mack. I don't care if we are moving fast, because with you, the world doesn't matter. It's you and I, alone."

I let go of her hands and move to hover over her. I watch tears escape her eyes and I quickly wipe them away.

"Why are you crying?" I ask. Her lips tremble, turning into a slight smile.

"No one has ever said anything like that to me before."

Her hands move to my face and her soft fingers brush away the few tears rolling down my cheeks.

"That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

Her voice nearly makes my heart swell. Her strong but soft voice makes the affect of her words seem more important. I move to lay my legs between hers and she wraps her legs around my waist. I move my arms under her torso and she looks up at me.

"You make me feel like the only girl in the world," she whispers. I lower my head and kiss the corner of her eye.

"Because you are the only girl in my world."


I can't help but feel relieved she let me stay. I have assured her countless times through the night that I would never do that to her.

Neither of us falls asleep and stays up for a little while, talking about anything that comes to mind. I just told her some jokes to lighten the mood and I couldn't help but listen to her laugh. It is so angelic and peaceful; I want to make her laugh more.

She eventually moves more towards me and I wrap my arm around her shoulders. She leans her head on my shoulder and I kiss her cheek. I grab one of her hands and entwine it with mine. Her hands are so small that my hand engulfs hers.

"Please sleep Mack. I promise that none of that will happen."

She smiles and closes her eyes. I check my phone and see that it's almost 4. I set my phone on the table next to the bed and wrap my arm around her waist. I turn my head and look at her features again. No matter how many times I look at her, the more beautiful she gets. Her complexion is pale and her dark brown hair matches her skin for a perfect glow. I watch as her eyelashes move as she dreams again. I place soft kisses to her face, trying to cause a good dream, not a nightmare.

I don't want to close my eyes, because if I fall asleep, I won't be able to see her. I want to see her almost every second but I know if she wakes up and fears me, I won't be able to stay.

I kiss her cheek one last time before relaxing with her in my arms. I breathe her in and smile, placing my head next to hers, leaning my chin on her shoulder lightly. I kiss her ear softly and lay my leg over her legs. I am still fully clothed while she wears my sweatshirt. I find it hot that she is wearing my clothes, regarding the amount of time we have been together. It's just the fact that she is so beautiful, gentle, and strong; she knows how to handle herself.

She takes a deep breath and slightly moves her head, facing me. She keeps her eyes closed and relaxes further into my arms. I place my forehead on hers gently and kiss the tip of her nose. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, falling asleep with a beautiful girl in my arms.


I hear my phone vibrating on the table and I move to grab it, the sun blinding me. It's Hector and I let it go to voicemail, not wishing to deal with him at the moment. I turn and face Mack again and watch her chest move up and down. I look at her soft face and nearly melt. Her eyelashes were placed on the top of her cheeks and her lips were soft and pink. Her hair is pushed back into a messy bun and the purple mark under her ear is fading. I lift my body to the side and watch her breathe. It's fascinating to watch a person, whom you trust and protect, sleep so beautifully and perfect.

I can't help but feel upset of what we are going to be going through. I can't imagine how afraid and nervous she is. But she hasn't anything to worry about; I won't let anything hurt her. I place my hand on her cheek and softly kiss her forehead.

She moves a little and opens her eyes a little, her eyes bright and an addicting light brown. She smiles and moves closer to me, cuddling into my chest. I wrap my arm around her and she smiles. I brush some of the loose strands of hair back and kiss her cheek.

"Hi baby," I whisper. Her eyes close and a beautiful smile appears on her face. The small sight is enough to make me feel on top of the world, knowing that I am the cause of her current smile.

"Hi Harry," she softly whispers, looking into my eyes. She brings her tiny hand up to my cheek and brings my face closer to hers.

"I'm sorry about last night. I was shaken up and I didn't know what else to do," she whispers, focusing in on my lips. I so badly want to just run my fingers through her hair and smash my lips on hers. The urge is growing greater as she continues to softly move her fingers around my face, taking pieces of my hair and twisting them in her fingers, her thumb gliding over my bottom lip.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. In fact, I was fully expecting you to kick me out. You are fine and I wouldn't worry about anything."

She smiles up at me and cups my cheek in her hand. She leans in and slightly kisses me, igniting my body in sparks. I can't understand the effect that she has on me; her touches given me a feeling I have never felt before.

"As long as I'm here, you're safe."


Mack POV

I remove myself from the bed and walk to the closet. Harry stays in my bedroom as I walk to the bathroom with a new change of clothes; a navy blue Henley and a pair of white jeans. I take a quick shower and get out, letting my hair fall out of the bun. I put my clothes on quickly, putting on light make-up and straightening my hair. I walk out and Harry is still lying on the bed. He sits up when he sees me and smiles, standing up and walking to me.

"I have to go. I want you to come to my house tonight."

I look up and he places his hands on my cheeks. He stares down and I smile.

"I will stop by your work today but you can't treat me normal. I am a stranger to you okay?"

I nod. He smiles and I lean up and let our lips touch in a soft kiss. He lets me go and I smile.

"I will make sure you're safe. I will meet you at work."

"Okay," I say to him. He grabs his hoodie off the floor and pulls it over his head. He grabs his phone off the table and walks out the door. I hear him open the front door but I call his name, running after him. He turns and faces me and I smile, building up the courage to do something I have wanted to do since I first kissed him. I begin to walk towards him, a smile curving on his plump lips. He closes the door and opens his arms. I run up to him and he lifts me up, smashing my lips on his.

I close my eyes and wrap my legs tightly around his waist and my arms around his neck. I place my hands on the top of his head, playing with his hair slightly. I pull away and smile down at him. He smiles and quickly kisses me.

"I have to get going," he whispered.

"I don't want you to though."

He smiles and sets me down. I look up at him and he brushes some of my hair back. I can't help but feel a sense of security when he wraps around my waist.

"I won't let them get you. Especially not the main leader who lives out of state. He won't find out, but if he does, I don't know what we will do, but I will be right next to you the whole way."

I hug him tighter, placing my head over his heart. I can't help but feel safe around him, because he knows how to make me understand. It's as if he knows how to comfort me through everything that involves his job and his assuring words help me to trust him.

"I will see you in a couple hours. Until then, I will miss you."

He leaves a lingering kiss to my lips and I smile into it. He pulls away and whispers goodbye. I say goodbye and he walks out the door, closing it behind him. I walk to my bedroom and grab my boots. I place them over my pants and then grab my jacket. I pull it onto my body and walk to the table, grabbing my phone and putting it in my bag. I walk to the front door and walk out, closing and locking the door behind me. I make my way to the lobby and walk out to my car.

I get in and turn the key. I pull out of the parking lot and drive to the bakery. I drive as the thoughts from last night consume my thoughts. Harry's words replay over in my head, telling me that he wants me. I want him to and I just want to be safe, and with him, I know I will be safe.

I pull into the bakery and stop my car. I get out and walk in, John greeting me with a smile.

"Good morning Mack," he says.


He walks over to me and I place my bag on the shelf.

"I have been meaning to talk to you," he says, rubbing the back of his neck. I look up and meet his worried gaze. I was about to respond but the bell rang. He excused himself and I nodded. He walked out and I put my apron on. I tied my hair into a bun at the top of my head. I walk out and into the kitchen, Jess already working on cakes and cookies. I get ready to start the bread and set my oven on. I grab the ingredients and start to roll out the dough. Pounding it and rolling it into loaves, setting the trays in the oven as Jess places her cookies, fresh from the oven, on the counter.

"You know, John is thinking about you," Jess says. My eyes widen and I glance at John, his long strong arms flexing as her hands people their orders. I admit, he is a really good looking guy. He looked back at me and smiled. I return the gesture and I turn back to Jess.

"Do you like him?" she asks, curiosity in her eyes.

I look back and glance at him, back muscles flexing. I can't help but stare in awe at him. He is really good looking but I am sort of in a relationship, but I am not anyone's girlfriend.

I turn back to Jess and smile. "Yeah, he's cute."

She smiles and 'aw's me. I blush and John looks back at us. He smiles again and turns back to the register.

"He totally likes you. He is constantly looking at you and smiling. He likes you."

I laugh and pull the bread out of the oven. I take them out of the pan and walk out to the restaurant part of the bakery. I spot Harry walking into the bakery and I hand John the bread.

"Do you want me to bag these for you?" I ask. He nods, but as I begin to walk back, he grabs my wrist and I look up.

"I want to take you out," he whispers.

I look into his blue eyes and see the anticipation in them. In my peripheral vision, I see Harry ball up his fists.

"I-I don't know. I will think about it."

He nods and lets me go. I walk to the end of the counter and start to bag up the bread. I feel a shadow over me and I look up, meeting intense green eyes.

"I'm sorry but he needs to leave you alone or I will punch him," he whispers, trying to act like he's getting his order, playing it off as strangers.

"He doesn't mean any harm."

He reaches for the straws and I attempt to control my laughter as he plays this off. "He is trying to take you away from me."

I move down and grab a bag for the bread. I stand up and Harry is placing his lid on and off his coffee cup.

"No he's not."

"I will not stand here with you telling me he isn't trying to take you. Remember you're mine."

I nod and he walks away, sipping his coffee. He sits in a booth and keeps his eyes on me and glares at John. I hand the bread to John and he smiles. He grabs my hand and I look up at him.

"Please. I really like you Mack," he whispers. I feel at a loss of breath; my mind says go for it but I know Harry is the one I am technically with.

As soon as I am about to speak, the lights go out and I can't see anything, due to the cloudy, dark sky. I feel John let me go and I rush to the backroom. I call for Jess and she responds, walking over to me. I hear a yell and I don't know what's happening anymore.

I can faintly hear Harry's voice, calling my name. I stand up and see a shadow in front of the door, blocking me from exiting.

"So Mackenzie is the girlfriend?" the unknown male says. I watch him move towards me and I take a step back, Harry yelling from the other room 'no's and 'stop's. Jess starts talking about what is happening and then a shot went off. I can't even move after I see Jess clutching her stomach. I immediately hear Harry yell, no scream my name, but I have no voice. The man moves towards me and hits the back of the gun on my head, causing me to black out.

(Woah, a lot happened! Please comment and vote what you think! I love you all and I hope you tell people about this book and love it too! <3)

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