Chapter 8

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"Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold." -Hellen Keller

Chapter 8

Harry POV

I turn the piece of wire around the door, trying to unlock it. I finally do so and I make my way into the deserted hallway. I have no idea where I am so I run down the hall. I come across a stairwell and go down it quietly. I hear talking and I see the two men walk into a door, going unseen by them. I continue to walk around the staircases coming to the basement. I quietly open the door and grip the knife in my hand. I walk in and hide against the wall when I hear footsteps approaching around the corner. They see me and I quickly stick the knife in their stomach. They fall to the ground and I keep going.

All I am thinking about is Mack. I need her in my life and I want her to be safe with me. I keep her in my mind as I walk down the hall, taking down two men on the way. I don't kill them, I just punch them and they fall.

I walk down the hall and come to a dead end. I walk back and one of them men stands in front of me, his nose bleeding.

"So you escaped?"

I walked closer and brought the knife into his stomach. He fell over and clutched his stomach. I grabbed his gun and loaded it, grabbing extra cartridges.


I leave him on the ground and walk around, the cold air in contact with my naked chest and arms. I don't pass anyone for a while but soon come across a group of men, surrounding something. I hide in a doorway and see them carrying one of the men I have just stabbed. They carry him around the corner and I walk back around. I keep going down the hall and peer into the window of a room. I see Hector with a man and I quickly duck. I crawl under the window and stand back up once it's cleared. I come across another stairwell and I walk down it, taking a man down on the way.

Mack. You are doing this for Mack.

I walk down the stairs and come to a small door. I walk in and see no one. I am in a familiar hallway and I finally come across the window. I see Mack lying there and see Dan in there with her. I see a man down the hall and hide in the door. He walks by without noticing and I step out, looking as Dan tries to touch her. I had enough and hit the door handle with the gun. I walk in and Dan looks up. I put the gun up to Dan's head and he stands up, getting away from Mack.

"One more move and I will kill you Styles."

I turn slightly and see Hector with a gun in his hands.

"Clever aren't you. I knew you would try to come down here. Although I didn't expect to see almost 5 of my men dead. I didn't think you had it in you to do that."

The realization that I just killed people starts to sink in. He walks to me and I step closer to Mack, trying to block him from her.

"Now that is what I expected. You trying to get to the girl so you were closer to her because you want her."

He tries to move closer but I block him from Mack. I bring the gun up to his neck and not think twice before I pull the trigger. Hector falls to the ground and I quickly shoot Dan.

I grip Mack's body and pull her clothes on her body quickly. I lift her over my shoulder and run out of the room, shoot any man who comes in my way. I run to the garages and grab a set of keys off the rack. I place Mack in the backseat of a truck and climb in. I turn the key and drive to my house as fast as I can. I get out and carry Mack in with me, just because I don't want to leave her in the car. I walk into my house and close the door. I run into my room and lay her on my bed. I take all my clothes and put them in a bag.

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