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Note: Read the notes at the bottom for clarification. Remember, NO SPOILERS PLEASE, in the comments or anywhere on this account. I have not finished the novel. I stopped reading for now so that I can translate. No copy/paste and all that other shenanigans either. Vote/likes are highly appreciated. (◎ヮ◎)

Having a really rough year so, so I'm ready to passed out and sleep for a whole year now. 


As always, THANK YOU for reading and enjoying the journey with our DETECTIVE AND CLUELESS boys:


(* ̄、ゝ ̄)"ψ(`∇')ψ



"Mr. Gu and I came to know each other four years ago. It was one of the hardest time in my life. During those days, I ran to every part of the country. I didn't know where I was going or what I wanted to do. Later on, I finally ended up in Xiamen*1, working as a front desk receptionist at a five-star hotel. At that time, Mr. Gu was on a business trip in Xiamen and it was by luck that he checked into the hotel that I worked at. The first time I saw Mr. Gu, I was overwhelmed by that grand and impressive manner of his. I felt that the man in my life should be like that, powerful, intimidating, aloof and not in touch with reality......"

As Jiang Yuan continuously spoke, her eyes were overflowed with rays of brilliant lights and vibrant colors. It was as if she had returned to that period of time in her life where craziness roamed.

"Afterwards, I racked my brain to think of ways to become friends with Mr. Gu, however, he always kept at a distant far away from me. Then, I heard that he already had a wife but even then I couldn't just give up. I'd even put my life in danger by trespassing into the military base. But, I was nearly assaulted by a group of dull-witted soldiers. The rumors began to spread at that time. It was then that Mr. Gu's wife came to look for me. She spoke to me for a while. She was an extremely educated and cultured woman who didn't curse or mock me. In a very calm and gentle manner, she told me the difficulties of marrying a military man. Truthfully, I really admired her, but even more I envied her; envied that kind of graceful and noble air that she possessed.

I stopped for a period of time, ready to give up. But before long, Mr. Gu unexpectedly took the initiative to contact me first and told me that his wife had passed away. I thought that it was a kind of opportunity for myself. When Mr. Gu was in his lowest spirit, depressed, I continuously thought of every possible way to comfort him. And that was how we came to stay in contact for two years. It was only last year that I finally received Mr. Gu's acknowledgment."

Bai Luo Yin's sharp eyes swept over Jiang Yuan's face that was brimming with happiness.

"In other words, before Mrs. Gu passed away, Gu Wei Ting didn't express any good feelings toward you?"

Jiang Yuan let out a heavy sigh, "At that time, I think he did have some good feelings toward me. Yet, now that these memories are swimming back into my head again, I think I was quite ridiculous."


"The things that you can't obtain or have lost will always be the best. Even until now, I've always felt that the person Mr. Gu loves all along is his wife. I was just a pastime amusement for him when he was lonely. Do you know? Every time Mr. Gu returns home, the first thing that he looks at are always the items in that room, not me. Whenever he mentions his wife to other people, the feelings that emits from his eyes are deep, profound and strong. But when he mentions me in front of other people, the expression in his eyes are shallow, frivolous. Perhaps, this is the difference between like and love. 'Like' is passion, love is painful."

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