Sae |๑˃ ॢ‧̫˂ॢ๑ ).*˚‧♡

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Hi everyone! 

I've been getting so many questioning regarding myself since I've started translating way back in March. Wow, it's actually been that long already, how time flies by. S

Name: Sae

Gender: Female (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Age: (。・艸-。)-☆

Nationality & Ethnic: Asian American/Chinese Khmer

Location: America [thus I update US EST)

Country of Birth: Thailand XD

Languages: English, Khmer, Chinese [learning - in order of level:  Japanese, Swedish, Spanish, Korea, Kurdish]

Hobbies: Translating, Learning languages, Ancient Chinese TV series, Reading, Drawing, Science, Watching my parents enjoying television [yes this is a hobby] and other things. 

My current favorite series of all time is 《琅琊榜》Lang Ya Bang [Nirvana in Fire], I highly highly highly recommend this series. I've personally see so many ancient series but this tops it all. Number one on my list and nothing can top it! *HU GE* <3

Music: All kinds lol you'd be surprise. But mainly asian music :P Did I mention I love Infinite yet? Well yes, I love them mucho. (。♥‿♥。) Myungsoo......

Uh....I don't know what else to write.  

Ask me anything here, as long as it's not a spoiler to the novels that are currently being translated. 


The question I get asked the most:

Will you translate Book Two? 

The answer is...... ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)و ✧


I wanted to share: Originally, I actually want to draw an Addicted: The Novel [manga], but opted to translating instead, since drawing would take weeks to update with my work schedule. But there is a chance, in the future, if things work out, I'll draw a panel or two. :P


I can never say it enough and I'll continue saying it. I'm really happy to have brighten everyone's day even if it's just a bit with these translations. I do hope to continue bringing these small joys forth. I mean it! For realz yo!  I THANK YOU for taking the time with each passing chapter to read and comment. Especially,  continuously supporting me. Especially, on days where my motivation is low. All the encouragement has kept me quite positive than I normally am.  THANK YOU~

Finally, this is Sae. 

Sae gives you all *cyber hugs, air kisses and a peace signs*

Sae gives you all *cyber hugs, air kisses and a peace signs*

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Please do share, what is your favorite scene or chapter so far from Addicted? 

Everyone already know mine, I think. XD 

Please so share as well something about yourself [age, occupation, etc - yes Sae is being nosy~], I love getting to know everyone :) 

Addicted: Book One - The Inquietude of YouthWhere stories live. Discover now