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Translator: Sae

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"Hey? How did you get here from over there?" Bai Luo Yin's bemused eyes captured Gu Hai's tall figure marching towards him from the opposite side of the street. As those seemingly pugnacious steps moved in closer, the strong bellicose aura percolating throughout the atmosphere around him could jar with that of the bustling and boisterous crowds scuttling about.

The anxiety had long engulfed Gu Hai, completely detaining his brain, rendering any logical thought impossible. His lips, once the lovely hue of terra cotta and carnelian, were now a silent purple from the disquietness that was conceived within his heart the moment Bai Luo Yin's presence vanished from just a few minutes of his own negligence. But now that the missing person stood before him, holding a stick of tanghulu, gaily savoring the sweet taste to the point that the side of his lips were kissed with sugar, how can his heart and mind not burn with rage?

Keeping his eyes on him, he walked over and bellowed out, "Where the fuck did you run off to?"

Bai Luo Yin's face immediately tensed up and even the bright smile that once adorned his lips waned. "I went to buy two tanghulus."

Having said that, he passed the remaining uneaten stick of tanghulu over to Gu Hai.

Gu Hai refused to take it, letting his eyes imprison Bai Luo Yin's instead. He maintained a darkened face and asked, "Why didn't you at least say something to me when you went to buy the tanghulu? Do you know how worried sick I was?"

A watchful silence besieged the space between them before anger recalcitrantly charged into Bai Luo Yin's head. "I did tell you! You're the one that didn't hear it!"

"If you had properly told me, wouldn't I have heard it?" Gu Hai said with an imperious aggression that invited his voice to rise. "Couldn't you wait until I came out so that we could go get it together? What the hell, would you have died from the craving if you ate a bit later?"

The stick in Bai Luo Yin's hand that was still stretched out towards Gu Hai suddenly dropped to the ground with a thud. Before long, the remaining pieces of tanghulu were also smashed on the ground beneath their feet. A thunderous roar then rang out amongst the raucous laughter passing by them.

"Fine! See if I fucking give a shit if you get to eat any or not!!"

Bai Luo Yin seethed, then he quickly calmed himself down, turned around and walked away!

With haste, Gu Hai forcibly grabbed the hem of Bai Luo Yin's shirt, but the other lad took to ruthlessly shaking it off instead. When Gu Hai grabbed again, Bai Luo Yin also shook it away once more. The two that were talking and laughing on the street just a moment ago were now tearing each other apart. After a few more seconds of pushing and pulling, the pressure of a raging sea of anger forced Bai Luo Yin's sturdy fist to brutally land on Gu Hai's face. As the saying goes, you can hit the person but not his face. Gu Hai's mind darkened like that of a gathering storm clouds. As anger afflicted his chest, he picked up his feet and kicked Bai Luo Yin's ass.

Fine, fuck it!!

That kick was the breaking point of his patience which had completely drawn out all of young master Bai's wrath. This time, there was no use in saying anything else. He was blinded by a five-course serving of wrath that tasted bitter yet unsurprisingly sour. Bai Luo Yin's face erupted to a dark shade, black like the bottom of a pot that had burned for too long. He marched off, flagged down a taxi and left.

Gu Hai stood on the street, fuming with rage between gritted teeth as he watched the taxi gradually disappeared into the sea of cars. How big of a deal was it? Just because of a stick of tanghulu, the two had torn at each other furiously. It was true, a harmonious relationship was not something that could be truly nurtured overnight or even a short period of time.

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