Chapter 83 - The Hurricane that Swept Across the Sea

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Translator: Estreline

Proofreader: grantye


"You don't mind?"

"What should I mind about? Your mom left for so many years already... Eh.... No, about this... Your mom and I divorced for so many years already, she should find another partner too. She's a woman, it's a good thing if she could find someone to depend on. I know that your mom was looking for you a lot of times, but you shouldn't bear grudges against her, you shouldn't blame her, after all she's one of few people in this world who sincerely treats you well."

Bai Luo Yin lowered his eyelid and glanced on the floor, "I feel that she's really selfish."

"Aiya, son!" Bai Han Qi raised Bai Luo Yin's face up with both hands, "Who is not a selfish person? Supposed if it's you, and you don't get married for a lifetime, can you live all alone on your own?"

Bai Luo Yin didn't deny it, he didn't admit it too, finally he just simply threw a sentence.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Bai Han Qi didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, "You didn't let me talk too!"

Bai Luo Yin's shoulder collapsed, what should I do? This matter already went this far....

Bai Han Qi's facial expression changed, "Why are we talking about your mom? Weren't we talking about Gu Hai? Listen to my words, later you have to apologize to him, then just see what will happen next."

"I'm not going to apologize!" Bai Luo Yin rejected it immediately.

"Look at this boy, how can you be so thoughtless like this?" Bai Han Qi became somewhat impatient, "Was it him who made his father and your mother got married? Isn't he also a victim from a broken family? Just because you dont like his father, so you're making it difficult for his son? It doesn't matter if you two really aren't get along well, but he was so good to you..."

"I still won't apologize."

"You... Even after I said all those words?"

"Dad, don't be concerned about this. I know what I should do." Bai Luo Yin pushed Bai Han Qi, "Just go back to sleep."

"I'll tell you this! You have to bring Gu Hai back here within three days."

"Okay, I know."

Bai Han Qi went back to his own room, Bai Luo Yin was still standing at the door for a long time, he felt really upset inside. On one hand, because of the words Bai Han Qi said just now, because of his excessive understanding, it made Bai Luo Yin felt somewhat fond of this old man; on the other hand it's because Gu Hai, if he had known earlier that Bai Han Qi's attitude would be like this, he wouldn't say those kind of words, now even if he wants to take it back he can't.

Do I really need to apologize for once?

That night, Bai Luo Yin, kept tossing around on his bed and didn't get any sleep, the dark night finally faded, one layer marble white color of the dawn sky emerged on the horizon, Bai Luo Yin finally made a firm resolution to find Gu Hai, no matter what would the outcome be, no matter how much ridicule he would get, he decided to grit his teeth and stand on his ground, to do the utmost effort possible to restore their relationship.

Wheels were rolling on the fallen leaves at early morning, Bai Luo Yin rode Gu Hai's spoilt bike full of determination.

"Lower your body, lower your face, lower your pride all along, a man bowing his head down doesn't mean anything....." Bai Luo Yin kept muttering to himself like a broken record while cycling.

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