Meeting The Samoan Powerhouse

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Skye's POV:

I was on my phone whilst on my way to catering when I accidentally bumped into someone and literally fell on the floor. How embarrassing!! A hand reached at me to help me up and I gladly accepted. I noticed the Samoan tattoos and long hair. He looked quite big as well. No wonder I fell. Wait!! This.... He can't...He can't be Roman Reigns, can he?

"I'm so sorry." The mystery man said.

"No don't apologize. It was totally my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." I said. 

" are you??" I asked.

'Please don't be Roman Reigns, please do not be Roman Reigns.' I practically screamed in my head.

"My name is Joe, also known as Roman Reigns." He said.

'Dang it.' I thought. 'I just embarrassed myself in front of one of Colby's best friends. What will he think of me now?'  

"Well, my name is Skye Sailor but my ring name is Tori Vega. It's nice to meet you." I said.

"Wait...Skye....Skye Sailor?? Oh, you are the one who I had never gotten a chance to meet. You're like Colby's bestie, right?" he asked.

"Why yes I am. I've known him for as long as I can remember. We go way back. I love Jon too. He's like a brother to me even if I haven't known him for as long as Colby." I explained.

"Well I've been looking forward to meeting you Skye." He said. He seemed really friendly. I could tell we were gonna get along just great.

"Really? You were looking forward to seeing me??" I said, blushing slightly.

"Yeah, Colby had told me a lot about you and every time we would arrange to meet and then would cancel, I'd get really bummed out." He said.

"Aww. Well I've really been wanting to meet you too but at least we've met now. I couldn't be happier." I said. "Anyways, it was nice meeting you. I hope you don't mind me leaving but I'm so hungry that..." 

"Don't worry." He said. "I'll see you later."

And we both went our separate ways. I looked back at him as did he and we both smiled. 


Joe's POV:

I'd never met a girl like Skye before. When she bumped into me, I was expecting her to start throwing a tantrum or at least make a fuss but she actually didn't say anything. She's very different from the rest of the divas around here. I'm glad that I was finally able to meet her, even if we had to wait for around a year to do so. She's nice, pretty, so laid back and you can easily have a conversation with her. Just the thought of her made me smile. Wait...what am I thinking? Why am I smiling?? What am I smiling at the thought of Skye? I don't know. I walked to the locker room where I saw Colby and Jon getting ready for our match.

"Sup guys." I said.

"Hey." They both said.

"Oh Roman, I totally forgot." Said Seth. "Today I need to introduce you to Skye otherwise I don't know what I'll do." He said.

I started smiling again. What is wrong with me??

"Dude, why are you smiling?" Asked Jon.

"'s just that I just met her when she was on her way to catering." I said, still smiling.

"Thank the lord you guys finally met." Said Colby.

"Yeah I accidentally bumped into her and she fell and then I helped her up and she didn't even throw a tantrum." I started talking about what happened. "She introduced herself and we had an amazing conversation. She...had these gorgeous brown eyes and her smile was just.....beautiful." I didn't even realize what I said until Jon snapped me back into reality. 

"Joe man, snap out of it." Said Jon. 

"Wait....what?" I asked.

"Dude, you just sat there talking about her beautiful she is." Said Colby. 

"Pfffffff. Whaaat!! I didn't say that." I said sarcastically. 

"Yeah you did." Said Jon. "Do you like her or something?"

"What? No. We just met. How could I like her so quickly?" I said.

"If you say so." Said Colby.

I smiled whilst thinking about Skye. Did I really like her? Even if I did, would she like me back?

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