Medical and Hotel Room

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Skye's POV:

I woke up to see bright lights shining in my face and my head was pounding like crazy. I was in the trainer's room and I couldn't remember what happened. I turned around to see Roman with a very worried look on his face.

"Roman??" I said softly.

"Oh my god, Skye, you're up." He said.

"Yeah what happened? Why am I in here?" I asked.

"Well we were in the ring following the script and we were about to kiss when the Wyatt's came and we were meant to beat them up. Rowan didn't follow the script and whacked you across the head with a steel chair." He explained. "Seth and Dean are giving Hunter a piece of their minds right now."

"What??? Why would he do something like that?" I asked. 

"I don't know, luckily you haven't got a concussion or anything so you don't have to miss RAW tomorrow." He said.

"Good because I don't wanna spend anymore time off." I said laughing.

"Yeah, come on let's get to the hotel." He said laughing too. 

"I don't want to walk." I said with a pout on my face.

"Hop on." Said Roman turning his back towards me.

I hopped on his back and we made our way to the car. I got in the passenger seat whilst Joe got in the driver's seat. I got a text from Natalya, one of my bestest friends. 

Text convo (N=Natalya S=Skye)

N-hey Skye, r u ok. That chair got you pretty hard in the head.

S-I'm fine Nattie. Roman took me to the trainer's room so I'm fine. Luckily there were no severe injuries.

N-yeah you should have seen the look on Roman's face when he saw you get hit. He looked like he was gonna explode. He looked like he really cares about you.


N-yeah, by looking at his face like that, it looks like he might like you.

S-I don't know, the Bellas were saying the same thing but we're just friends. Although my heart was really thumping when we were about to kiss. 

N-it didn't even look like you or Roman were acting when you were gonna kiss. I think that you both like each other but don't know it yet.

S-I mean, I have been a little nervous and have been blushing around him a lot.

N-I saw the way you were both looking at each other. You guys look so cute together.

S-you really think so? I admit maybe I do have a small crush on him. Anyways we're almost at the hotel so I'll talk to you later.

N-KK bye xxx

S-bye xxx

"Who you talking to there?" Asked Joe. 

"Oh Nattie texted me to ask if I was alright." I said.

"Okay well I wanna know a little more about you." He said.

"Sure, what do you wanna know?" I asked. 

"Everything." He said.

"Well my name is Skye Sailor. I am 25 years old. I'm from California and I love almost everyone. I love music, wrestling and everything positive......"

Joe's POV:

I listened to what Skye was talking about. She was so interesting, nothing like any other girl I've met before. We arrived at the hotel and I went to the front desk to check in.

"Roman Reigns." I said to the lady at the desk.

"Here we go, Roman Reigns and Tori Vega." She said.

My eyes lit up and I collected the two key card and went towards Skye.

"Looks like we are sharing a room." I said. 

"Great." She said. 

We went up to the hotel room and placed our bags on our beds. I have to say, I was kinda disappointed to see two beds instead of one. But least we still share a room.

I went into the bathroom to get changed and when I came out, I saw Skye fast asleep in her bed. She looked so adorable. I texted Jon and Colby and asked what room they were in.  

They replied room 335. That was two doors down. I tiptoed out of the room, careful not to make any noise and went to see Jon and Colby.

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