Redney Pt. 3 [Red's POV]

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"Sure, what's up?" Jon answers, returning to his normal accent.

"I need help. I need someone to vent to, will you be that person? I can't keep doing it to myself." I say.

"Michael what's going on?" He asks, seemingly confused.

"I...I self harm. I cut." I reply, feeling a hot tear slip out of my eye and down my cheek.

"Michael..." Is all Jon can say.

"I know, it's a shock. I'm sorry to put this on you. You shouldn't be apart of this, I'll get someone else. Maybe the grim reaper has some openings." I say. I don't want to put the weight on my shoulders onto the person I love.

"Michael, why?" Jon asks.

"Because I don't deserve to live. I don't" I answer.

My eyes become clouded with tears as Jon walks out of my office. I grab the knife I keep hidden in my pocket.

Nobody would care if I died. Might as well get it over with...

Seconds later, I hear a familiar voice on some sort of speaker. I walk outside of my office to see what the commotion is about, but I did not expect to see Jon holding a megaphone standing on a chair.

"Hello! I'd like everybody's attention please!" He says, his voice booming through the office with the help of the megaphone.

Everyone surrounds Barney as I watch from the doorway of my office.

"I'd like to officially claim Michael as my boyfriend." Jon says, his eyes searching the crowd. Finally, they land on me.

"Michael, will you be my boyfriend?" He asks, still looking me in the eyes.
I walk up to Jon, pick him up, put his feet on the ground, and kiss him.

He kisses back instantly.

I break away from the kiss, looking into my love's eyes passionately.

"Does that answer your question?" I ask, smiling widely.

"I'm not sure," Jon replies, grinning like a madman, "let's make sure."

Our lips attach once again, and I pull him closer to me by his waist, while he intertwines his fingers in my hair.

~Flashback Ends~

[Barney's POV]

Michael and I have been dating for one year, today is our One Year Anniversary!!! I'm so excited to go out tonight! Oh...Wait. I need to tell her.

My mother doesn't support gays, and I haven't had the courage to tell her. She still thinks I'm single. My father doesn't know either. Or Erin...

How have I hidden this for so long? Why have I hidden this for so long?

I have to tell them. They are my family, they'll understand.

I take out my phone and call my mom.

~Bold Will Be Barney, Italic Will~
~Be His Mom~


Hey, mom. I have something to tell you.

You can tell me anything, I'm your mother aren't I?

Yea, you are. I don't know how you're going to take this, but, I'm.. I-I'm...


You know?

Honey, I watch your videos. Of course I know. I support you Jon, I love you.

I love you too mom, thank you for understanding.

I'm surprised it took you a year to tell me though. Oh, and by the way, your boyfriend is adorable!

I laugh into the phone, happy that she accepts me.

Thanks mom, I got to go. Getting ready for our One Year Anniversary tonight!

How exciting! Well I hope it goes well! Bye honey, love you!

Love you too mom, bye!

I hang up and go to tell Michael the exciting news!

As I round the corner to go to his office, I see something I never I thought I'd see...

Another cliff hanger! Mwahaha!
Stay tuned to find out what happens next! Thank you guys for reading! Also, my new book "Joker X Abby" has been released! Make sure to check it out! Thanks, love ya!

Have A Good Day Bae

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