Redney Pt. 9 [Red's POV]

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"Hey Jon?" I call.

"Waddup?" I hear in response.

"Get Ki and yourself dressed please, and make sure it's something
fancy-shmancy!" I answer, smiling brightly.

Jon was upstairs, playing with Ki, and I was downstairs in the bathroom, admiring myself in the mirror. Tonight just seemed like a good night to go out, so I'm going to take them to
*insert name of fancy restaurant*!
I hope they love it...they even have a kid's menu for Ki.

Jon must've known what I was wearing because he came down in his matching tux, and he'd dressed Ki in a
velvety-purple dress.

"Great minds think alike, don't they..." I say with a small laugh.

"They sure do." My love replies.

Ki smiles, admiring herself in the full-length mirror. Jon does the same.

"We look good!" My tiny love squeals, dragging out the "oo".

"Uh huh!" I say sassily, snapping my fingers. We all break out laughing, giving me just enough time to take a good look at my family.

Family...I finally have a family.

I don't think I've ever smiled more in my life!

[Barney's POV]

I catch Michael staring at me and I smile goofily, sticking out my tounge and crossing my eyes. He lets out a laugh and looks to Ki, who was smiling her beautiful smile. Realizing that she was squirming to get down, I put the toddler down and watched her run off into the living room, probably to get some shoes and her coat.

For being five, Ki was very smart and cooperative. She'll do great things in life.

Michael and I finally leave the bathroom after fixing each other's blazers. Walking into the living room, we find a impatient Ki with crossed arms.

"What's taking so long! We gotta go!" She says in a sassy tone, trying to scold us. Holding back her laugh, Ki walks to the door, opens it, and motions for us to get out.

Michael grabs the keys to his car and we walk out with our heads hung low. As we walk out, we simultaneously say "Yes ma'am."

Once we're at the car, we all laugh when Ki try's to get in the driver's side.

She's so adorable!

It's about 25 minutes till we get to the restaurant, and I'm so ecstatic!

Ki, Michael, and I had been singing to songs that came on the radio and just being silly and jamming out.

It was awesome.

"And I chime in with a 'haven't you people ever heard of'..." Michael sings.

I look in the rear view mirror and see Ki kicking around and shaking her head, 'dancing'. Well, that's what she calls it. I laugh lightly, pulling into the restaurant's parking lot.

Hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter! Stay tuned for some Mithross!

Have A Good Day Bae

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