Redney, The Final Chapter

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[Third PersonPOV]

Michael and Jon proceed to get into their car and drive off, finally leaving for the hotel.

Michael takes the position of the driver with Jon next to him, turning on the radio. Jon hums softly to the song before turning his attention to the window. All the passing cars and trees seemed to fascinate him as Michael drove in silence. The original song on the radio ended with a new one beginning. Before Michael had a chance to hear even the first note, Jon squeals with excitement.

"Chasing Cars, yes!" Jon says.

Michael chuckles softly at the happiness of his partner. Jon goes on the song the song happily, that is until the chorus is sung for the first time.

"Michael," Jon warns.

"Yes, J-"

"TRUCK!"Jon screams as he and his husband fly through the window shield.

It all happens in a flash...

The men's seatbelt do them no good as their bodies are flung forward and out of the car.

The window shatters to a million minuscule pieces on impact.

The truck driver who'd hit Michael and Jon from the back speeds off.

The car spins out of control until it finds its way off the road and into a tree nearby.

Michael and Jon finally hit the ground, hard, breaking several bones.

News helicopters begin circle the accident.

Michael screams for Jon, who ended up five feet away from him. His eyes land on his beloved, and he claws his way toward him, writhing in agony on the way. Many screeches are heard before the silence erupts.

Michael has made his way to Jon and becomes still.

"I love you." Jon painfully whispers.

"I love you more," Michael says softly.

"No, really. The day I met you, I knew it was you. It was always you." Jon replies.

"Touché my love, touché." Michael says.

Jon falls unconscious, about a minute later, Michael does too.

They're taken to the hospital immediately, being carried away on stretchers. Back at their house, Em watched tv while Ki sleeps soundly. A screech fills the room as the accident takes over Em's vision. The news reporter finishes describing the victims and on comes a commercial. Ki finds her way down the stairs, rubbing an eye on the way.

"Aunt Em? What's wrong?" She says groggily.

"I-Uh-Well-You see...Go upstairs and get dressed sweetie. We're going on a trip..." Em replies.

"To where?" Ki asks.

"The hospital!" Em answers, trying to sound enthusiastic.

Ki simply replies with an "Okay." and makes her way upstairs to get dressed.

Five Years Later...

"Ki?" A raged voice says.

"Daddy?" She replies.

Ki's head flies up to see her father awake, finally.

"After all this time!" She squeals, vigorously hugging Michael.

"What do you mean?" He asks, coughing slightly.

"You were in a medically induced coma for..." Ki pauses, doing the math in her head, "five years. I missed you Daddy!" She answers, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh've grown up...where's your father? Has he taken good care of you?" Michael asks, indifferent at the moment.

"Well...Dad-uh-Dad didn't make it. Aunt Em's taken good care of me though!" Ki replies.

"He....He didn't make it? He's dead?!" Michael panics.

His heart beats extremely fast, and all he hears is bum bum...bum bum...bum bum bum bum...until he hears nothing at all.

He doesn't hear Ki's screams of terror, Em's horrified shriek for help, the nurses and doctors rushing in, the unmistakable cry of a little girl losing her last parent, the quiet whimpers of a woman who's taken his part at a parent—now forever. He doesn't even hear his own heart beat coming to a complete stop.

Michael feels stiff, as if he couldn't move.

He can't scream.

His vision blurs.

Then it becomes darker,





"Would you lie with me...ugh I forget the rest!" Jon sings.

He's been singing that same song for five years, as if it were the last thing he'd ever heard.

"One more time..." he's tried to convince himself he'll get back to Michael if he can finish the verse.

"Would you lie with me-"

"And just forget the world?"

And that, ladies and gentlemen, brings this fanfic to an end.

Thank you for reading and check out my other books!

Have A Good Day Bae

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