Redney Pt. 5 [Barney's POV]

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How could he?

How could he kiss Nick?!

This isn't like him at all, I...I just don't get it.
Why would he do this?

On our One Year?

There has to be a logical explanation for this, there just has to be.

A tear slowly escapes my eye, rolling down my cheek. That year is followed by another, anger-filled tear. And another.

And another.

And then I sob.

There's a knock on my office door, but I don't even bother to look at who it is.

I know it's him.

I don't say come in. I just cry.

Michael comes in and lifts me up, then sits down on my chair, placing me softly on top of him.

I don't refuse.

I don't leave.

I just look at him through my blurry eyes, and place my head on his shoulder, continuing to cry into the crook of his neck.

He doesn't say anything.

Neither do I.

We just sit there, in silence.

Both of us knowing I didn't mean it when I said that we broke up.

He kisses me lightly on the top of my head. Only causing me to cry harder. Michael leaves me alone after that.

Soon enough, my breathing slows it's pace, returning to normal, and my eyes dry. Leaving only my tear streaked cheeks as evidence of my fit.

"I love you." Michael coos into my ear.

"I love you more..." I reply, my voice still shaky.

"No way. I love you so much baby... Nothing will ever change that." He answers me.

My lips curl up into a small smile, and I slowly descent into a dream.

A love fueled dream.

[Red's POV]

Jon's eyes flutter closed.

He's asleep. Guess I'll have to carry him to the car.

Work was already over anyways.

I carry Jon to my car, gently placing him in the passenger's seat and buckling it.

I get into the driver's side and start the car.

The ride is silent, aside from the faint sound of the radio. It was playing The Death Of A Bachelor by P!ATD.

Our favorite.

It was an early day off of work, so we got home by about 6:30.

A pretty good time for a One Year Anniversary date if you ask me.

Smiling at the thought, I turn off my car and lean over and shake Barney awake.

"Jon...c'mon wake up babe. I've got dinner plans for us." I say quietly.

I get a groan in response.

I decide to go and carry him in. It's no big deal anyways.

We get inside, but it was not easy to unlock the door with Jon in my arms.

Sorry for the late af update!!! I had the BIGGEST writers block ever! I'm also writing two other books... SHAMELESS PLUG SO MAKE SURE TO GO READ THEM MWAHAHAHA!

Have A Good Day Bae

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