Mithross Pt. 6 [Ross' POV]

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I grab Max's hand and pull him into our room, pushing him roughly onto the bed.

I get undressed, and slowly undress Max too, leaving us in our boxers.

"W-What're you doing..?" He asks, seeming scared and confused.

I lay down next to him and snuggle up against his chest...

"Daddy," I whisper into his ear, very seductively...

"Princess?" He looks back at me, eyes wide.

"Please daddy?" I ask, a sudden hunger forming.

"Are you sure?" He coos into my ear.

"Do you love me?" I ask.

"With all of my heart Narwhale..." He answers, a look of hurt spreading across his face at my question.

I lean into him, my mouth at his ear.

"Prove it..." I whisper...

•Time Skip Bc I'm Not Ready To Write Smut Yet...XD•


Max really knows how to knock someone up...

I start feeling tired, so I snuggle up against Max, forgetting that my 9 inch friends is still out...

Mine rubs against his 10 inch, and he starts grinding on me.

I moan softly, rubbing my new "love mark" on my neck.

"Daddy..." I say, dozing off.

He stops, and I whimper.

"Get some rest, Narwhale." He says.

Hesitantly, I close my eyes and fall into a deep, deep sleep.

[Max's POV]

Ross falls asleep, and I snuggle him into my chest. He smiles sweetly as his eyes flutter closed.

"I love you Narwhale...I-I'd die for you..." I whisper, kissing his forehead softly.

•Such Timeskip, Much Wow•

Ross finally wakes up around 7:00.

"How long was I out?" He asks softly.

"Half hour." I reply, kissing his neck.

We get out of bed, and quickly get dressed.

"Max...?" Ross suddenly says.

"Yea?" I reply.

"I heard what you said...about how you'd die for me.." He blushes, as do I.

"Oh, you heard that? I thought you were asleep..." I say.

"I-I just want you to know...I'd do the same." Ross says, smiling sweetly.

"I love you Ross." I say, my blush retreating as his starts anew.

"I love you more." He answers.

"Not in a million years..." I finish our conversation.

We end up falling asleep on the couch after heating up some leftover mac and cheese and watching some anime.

I wake up around 12:00, two hours after we fell asleep, to a loud THUD.

"Hello?" I call, standing up.

Ross is still on the couch, and I don't dare walk away from him. I sit down again, next to Ross' feet this time.

I hear a groan coming from Tim's room.

Aww sh*t Tim!

I rush over to his room, only to find his door locked. I kick it down with every bit of energy with me, causing a sleepy Ross to appear behind me. He yawns and stretches.

"Max what the h*ll?!" He asks, suddenly aware of what's happened.

"No time to explain!" I yell.

I burst into Tim's room to find him on the ground, a figure next to him.

"Tim?!" I shout.

The figure turns to me, holding something.

A knife!?!

It's a little girl.

A little, bloody, knife-holding, creepy-looking, blonde-haired, freckle-faced, little girl.

That's when I realize.

"ABBY!!!" I scream. "No Abby please! Don't hurt him! Don't hurt us!" I continue.

She gives me her "Why not?" look.

"They're my friends. Close friends...Abby, this is my best friend, Tim, and..." I look over my shoulder to Ross.

"My fiancé, Ross."


Anyways...I hope you enjoyed meeting Abby! You'll learn more about her in the next Mithross chapter so stay tuned!

Have A Good Day Bae

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