I put my hand firmly on his shoulder and he turns around. "What are you doing? Where are we going?" I ask. "Look. I can be nice, and I usually am, but you are coming. Your parents told me I could already so don't worry about that." He responds. I am still confused. I have a headache. "Oh, and my name is James." James. Okay, then. "Well then, James, mind telling me what's happening? Not that I want to stay where I am, but I would like to know where it is I am going." He turns around. "Ah, is that all?" He chuckles. "Let me give it a shot. You are... Special. You have shown evidence of a minor power. You're being taken to an academy of magic so that you can learn to control this... Power. You in particular are empathic. You sense other emotions. That bracelet?" He points to the bracelet, "That stops the transmission from getting through you. All masers, oh that's what we call ourselves, have either two minor powers or a major one. You are going to have two minor powers and we do not know the second. We will figure that out. Later though." He grabs out his remote. "This is my empa-mote. It can transmit empathic signals through it to concentrate emotion into someone else." The door opens. My parents! I run out of the room as I hear them yell to me, "Mary!" My mom. "Yeah?" I respond. "Have you got a visitor?" I hear my dad ask. "Yes. James is here." I respond. If they know him, I'll go. It sounds fun, well, better than normal life. "Good. I'm coming up, let him know." My mom responds. I hear her walking up the stairs. "See? It's fine." James says. "What's your power?" I ask. "Oh. Weather." He says casually. That's so cool. He looks out the window and I see it's sunny one second, and then it's raining lightly. My jaw drops. It's amazing! My mom walks in. "Stop showing off and get her packed." She says. "I'll pack myself." I say enthusiastically. They both look surprised that I am excited. I hate normal life it's so boring. I will love this. I grab some plain tank tops from my closet, along with jeans, undergarments, and a light jacket. I grab a few pairs of socks, and James tells me, "You'll only need a few. Those are only allowed in winter." I shrug and grab 3 pairs, all tie-dyeish, different rainbow colors. James gives me light green flip flops and light gray boots. I stuff them in as he also gives me black sandals. I shove them in with a few hair ties and I'm ready to go. I stuff a small flashlight in it too just in case and I zip it closed.
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"Alright. I'm ready to go then." I say. I'm really rather excited. Magic school... But if there was one power I would NOT want, it would be empathic. Ugh. It could be cool... I think. Let's hope so, and maybe hope for telekinesis or something. Is that minor? "What are the other minor powers?" I ask. I'd like to know what's in the running. "Oh, whatever they call speech with animals, and uh, wind, and telekinesis and telepathy. Those ones used to be major, but they got moved." James replies. That makes sense. I hope I get telekinesis then, I suppose. He grabs out a marker and draws on the wall. "Why are you-" I stop when I see he made a door and it turned into a real one. He opened it and my dad comes up. "Goodbye. See you in holidays." He says. I can tell he cares, but he is happy. "Bye sweetie." My mom says. They love me, I know, but they bug me often. Oh well. I wave and step through the door, only crying a bit. I smile. This will be amazing.