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"Witchcraft?! What does that even consist of?!" I am freaking out a bit. I need to tell someone. I grab his wrist and take him into my dorm. I see Sarah's door open. I look, and she's fast asleep. Odd, that her door is open. Brooke walks out of her room tiredly. I go over to her and drag her into my room with me before she can say anything. I shut the door. "What is witchcraft?!" I ask Brooke. The guy tries to counter, "Its not at bad as it sounds..." But Brooke stops him, "Yea, it is. From what I've heard, that's people cursing people, and causing mischief and magic storms!" A boom of thunder rolls through the pause between speech. It's suddenly silent. I look at the boy, who looks as if he might cry. "If I see you here again... Ever again... You are doomed. Got it?" I  slowly demand. "I am telling someone I heard people in the hall. That's it, if you answer my questions." He nods quickly. "What exactly were you doing with this?" "Causing a storm is really all we did so far. I wouldn't even have done anything else, they just needed a circle of 3." "Tell me." I demand a bit too loudly. "Cursing the head..." He mutters. "You could be expelled for that." Brooke whispers. "Or worse!" "Yea? Well it wasn't my idea. She wouldn't let me back out. I wanted to, please tell me you heard, I-" he rambles. "Yes I heard." I cut him off. "But who was the girl?" I hear a knock at my door. "Who do you have in there? What's going on?" Sarah's voice. The boy points at the door. He's lying I'm sure, it can't be her. I open the door and Sarah is next to me. Teleportation... "Sarah? Describe witchcraft to me. I hear shuffling outside, but nothing is there. I leave the door. "Witchcraft? I think I heard of that. Is that what caused the storm?" She replies. "Liar. You can't hurt me." The boy snaps. "What do you mean?" She moves her hand a bit. His eyes darken. He shrugs and they lighten a bit. Can shadow do things like that? I hear someone walking away from us. I see nobody. I shoot light all through the main room, and I hear a, "Crap!" and a thunk. Avery appears, having fallen. She looks at Sarah. "Not again." Sarah stands up and I stand in front of her. "Again? I'm confused." I look at her. When I look to her eyes, they change a bit. I look away from them. Shadow. So it was Sarah. I shoot a ball of light at her. "Hey! Meerah deserved it you know!" Sounds about right. People like that always deserve it. "Just shut up, we won't tell anyone. Later, we can kick her-" I'm interrupted by a badly timed "Yea!!" From Brooke. Thanks Brooke. Ruin the moment... "Lets wait first? Until she actually does something wrong?" Avery, the voice of reason, suggests. "She did! She tried to throw a death potion at me!" Sarah whines. "Wait, what?" We start freaking out about our murderous headmaster. "We'll get her back, but for now, just don't freak out." She nods. We all head back to sleep.

Sorry this was so short guys! I'll write more soon!

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