Don't Worry- Sulu (part two)

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You walked quietly with your hands behind your back. Sulu walked next to you, his arm brushing yours every now and then, his other hand reached out to run it over the soft tall grass that grew all over Maph'da. It has been three days since they arrived on your large home lifeform and Sulu has enjoyed every moment. Kirk understood that they had to wait a while as the away team worked on curing and monitoring the other Clack'ti civilians who had been infected. Sulu glanced at you out of the corner of his eyes, trying to gage how you were feeling after the past few days of worry and running around.

You looked at him, blushing slightly at finding his eyes already trained on you. You duck your head and needlessly bush a few of your green hairs behind your ear. Sulu chuckled as he dropped his wondering hand to behind his back and lifted his other one to gently grasp your hand that now swung slightly at your side. You couldn't help but let a smile tug at your lips.

"So now that the majority of your people are safe and healed, as well as your home, I would assume I will be going back to my ship soon." Sulu stopped as he turned just enough to look at you.

You stopped walking as well, looking down at your entwined hands. You would be lying if you said you didn't thoroughly enjoy having him around. Several times throughout the three days Sulu was stationed here, he has shown you kindness that you will not soon forget. You look up at his deep brown eyes, searching for some way to keep him just a bit longer.

"Yes, and for that I must thank you immensely. I think there are some things we can provide for your ship and crew if that can be payment enough. I don't suppose-" You were stopped by Sulu's hand reaching up and stroking your now dark blue cheeks.

"Your mother has already talked to me about some form of payment." His thumb moved from your cheek to your jaw line, moving you head up slightly to look at him squarely. "But I believe there is something you can give me." His voice grew deep and warm.

You smile shyly, but look up at him with question. "I don't know what I can offer you. I can create any kind of plant if described to me, but I don't know how helpful that can be. Though I am sure I can think of-" but you were cut off.

"I have something better."

Sulu leans down and kissed you soundly. You were surprised but gladly so, reaching your arms up and wrapping them around his neck. He pulled you closer, his arm snaking around your waist, his other hand held your cheek gently. You smiled into the kiss, running your hand through his short hair. You were about to deepen the kiss but something popped into your head. Something you needed to but not like to remember. Something that you have been trying to push away for the past three days. You pulled away suddenly. Sulu ran a hand through your hair, looking at you with worry.

Be for Sulu could open his mouth, you held up your hand and looked down. "There is something that you should know. And I am afraid you won't like it."

Sulu shakes his head slightly. "I am sure whatever it is, it can't be all that bad. You said yourself that you were not infected."

You wince and turn away, making sure not to touch any of the foliage around you. "That's not exactly true."

Sulu scrunched his face in confusion, walking up behind you and placing his hands gently on your shoulders. "It's not harmful to humans is it?"

You turn around slowly, looking up at him with unshed tears shining in your eyes. Sulu stepped back a pace, not liking the look of pain and sorrow in your eyes. You look at him for a few more moments before he tentatively reached out and took a step closer. You lower your gaze and shut your eyes tight.

"I will never see you again. And that may be for the best or worst because," you swallow, still not looking up into his dark chocolate eyes. "as it is, I am the reason my people have gotten sick. I am the reason the Maph'da almost died." Tears now streamed down freely, but you caught them in your hands, fearing they hit the soft earthly floor.

"I don't understand." You hear him hesitate before asking but smile slightly at his willingness to understand.

"I am an illness to my kind. My tears corrode Maph'da, my prolonged touch infects my friends with red boils and my breath renders plant life dead. And no, it's not because I have halitosis."

You venture a small nervous giggle as you looked up at him. Sulu watched as you cautiously looked up at him. Golden tear fell down your stormy blue skin. Your green hair fell in front of your face. You looked around at the plant life around you, wringing your hands.

"I lied to you when I told you that it was an odd unknown illness. It's all my fault. I had been hoping to ask you to take me away from here, to save them. I had made sure that humans would be immune to me, but you had done so much already that I could not burden you with my deadly self." You hiccupped and covered your mouth with your hand as the other caught your tears.

Suddenly you were enveloped in warm, strong arms. The smell of forest and pine filled your senses as you buried your face in Sulu's chest, wrapping your arms around his middle. He stroked your hair as you let your emotions take hold, sobbing heavily into his shoulder. Sulu started saying sweet words, rubbing small circles on your back. He made sure your tears fell on his shirt and not the ground, filling you with warmth all throughout you. After a few moments, you pulled away while keeping your hands on his arms. Sulu reached up and cradled your face in his hands.

"Don't ever feel like you could never ask for help from us, let alone me. I am sure the Captain won't have any objections to taking in a beautiful creature such as yourself. We are explorers, are we not?" You sniffed and smiled as he stroked your cheeks with his thumbs. "Besides, I already spoke to your mother. It was her idea for us to take you. Not that she doesn't want you, but that she wants you to live a life without feeling like you have to walk on egg-shells."

You cock your head to the side. "What are egg-shells? Are they painful?"

Sulu smiles and chuckles, kissing you on your nose. "They can be. Come, let me help you get ready to start a new adventure."

He took your hand and the both of you walked to say goodbye to your Clack'ti friends and family.


"Kiepten on the Bridge!"

Kirk stepped on the bridge but only made it a few feet before he saw you and froze.

"Mr. Sulu, care to explain."

Sulu took your hand as you nervously peered around the machine that is now your home. It is going to take some getting used to that is for sure.

"I figured it would be easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission. She needs a place to stay. It's a long story but it's all in my report." He looks down at you, smiling and giving your and a squeeze.

"For God's sake Mr. Sulu. I didn't think my warning of "don't fall in love with the plants" would need to actually be a real worry." A man in a blue shirt who they called Bones grunted next to you but he smiled, all be it irritatedly. 

"I, uh, sure. Welcome to the Starship Enterprise, (Y/n). Go ahead and give her a room. I will talk to you later, Mr. Sulu."

"Yes, sir."

Sulu practically ran, dragging you with him as he excitedly took you to your new living space. He opens your door and you stand transfixed.

"Is this all mine?"

"Yes," he stepped closer, pulling you to him, "all of it. This ship is now your home and there is nothing you can hurt."

"Nothing?" You whisper in awe.

"Nothing." Sulu whispers back as he leans down, covering your lips with his.

You were in heavenly bliss when you were suddenly pulled into reality.

"How could I have forgotten!? You are going to love my plants!" Sulu gripped your hand and again started pulling you throughout the ship, your giggling voice echoing off the corridor walls.

Hey, guys! I AM BACK! Well...kinda. The recovery has been rough and I am still not allowed to do any heavy lifting or driving. BUT! I can write now! No more pain pills to keep me dizzy and drowsy. As helpful as they were, it killed me not being able to get my ideas down. Anyways, I have had a few ideas in my head for a while now so I'll get those to you all. Don't hesitate to comment, vote, share, and request! Keep it real my lovelies!

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