Beats Me- McCoy

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An awesome request by an awesome friend of mine who refuses to believe she is Disney's Pocahontas in real life. Natural beauty and all. stargirlhorse , you the man. Or in this case, woman ;)

"Karley, I'm not exactly sure he would be ok with me setting him up with dates. Especially with my friends." You look sideways at your friend, worried she would go off on you like she had all the other times you denied her a date with your infamous brother.

Karley rolled her eyes and crossed her arms with a 'humph'. You have known each other since you were teenagers and even joined the Starfleet Academy together. But as of late, she has been boy crazy and incessantly jealous of you and your new boyfriend. Not like it was a surprise when you and Doctor McCoy started going steady, just now your friend thinks she needs one too. And she just so happens to set her sights on your brother, the Captain of the Enterprise. Go big or go home, right?

The two of you walked into the cafeteria, grabbing some food and sitting where the two of you usually sit. Karley was still acting like a three year old throwing glares and pouting. You took a deep breath and looked at her.

"Look, you are my best friend and I would do anything for you, but you are acting ridiculous! He is my brother and the captain of this ship, no less. So excuse me for being a little cautious when it comes to his romantic life." You turned to your food, stabbing it with a bit of frustration.

"Yeah, well, last time I checked, Jim was able to make his own decisions." And with that, she got up and stormed out.

You shook your head slightly, causing a couple of loose hairs to fall in your face. "Yeah, well, last time I checked he has sent several girls away and never dates a girl more than once." You growl under your breath. "I'm looking out for the both of you, honestly."

You went back to your food, not really caring about anything more than quieting your rumbling belly. A shadow and sudden movement behind you caused you to turn around quickly, brandishing your fork like a spear.

"Whoa there, tiger! We come in peace."

Your brother and boyfriend hold their hands up in surrender, slowly going to sit down on either side of you. You turn back to your food, missing the worried looked the two boys exchanged.

Bones reached over and took your hand under the table as he took your other hand holding your fork that was accosting your poor noodles. "Hey, ho, what is going on?" He moved so he was facing you, rubbing his thumbs over your hands. "Don't tell me it was that Karley girl again."

You look at Bones and about start cracking up at his feigned look of horror. He smiles and kisses your forehead lightly. You take a deep breath and lean into him. "Yes, I suppose so. I don't know. She asked me to hook her up with you, again." You look at your brother out of the corner of your eyes, not wanting to break away from your boyfriend's warm embrace.

Jim ran his hand through his hair. "I mean, what can I say? I'm irresistible."

"Jim, I believe the correct word you are looking for is 'irritable'." Bones chuckled in reply as he rubbed your back. You snorted into Bones' chest, trying your hardest not to fall asleep right then and there.

"I just wish she would drop it. I love her but man, she is persistent and quite a toddler when it comes to not getting what she wants." You mumble, messing with a piece of thread that was sticking out from the hem of Bones' shirt. "I just want her to leave it alone and just let it go. She'd get a guy a lot faster if she wasn't so hard pressed about it."

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