Love Triangle- Kirk

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mizu1701 SO SORRY it took so long. Thank you for the request. Enjoy!

Spock handed you your report PADD after signing it, his fingers lingering on yours. You tried to keep your heart rate down but it was no use when your cheeks reddened. The Vulcan slowly retracted his hand, his calculating eyes peering into your own.

"Please, Spock," you whisper as you tucked the PADD under your arm, "I told you how I felt."

With disregard for the other science officers around him and your obvious want for secrecy, Spock turned his full attention to you. "I am aware. But is it not in the Human nature to continue to seek after what is, at the time, inaccessible?"

You rolled your eyes as you walked away from him, not wanting to have this conversation again. It had been eight months that you dated him, but it only took one lunch break for you to see that you were not the only girl he fancied. You would be lying if you said you were surprised it was Nyota who was sitting with him at lunch, making your stoic boyfriend crack a small smile in just a moment when it took you several weeks.

Unless they had been seeing each other for several weeks.

Come to find out the poor Vulcan was dating a girl he liked as he flirted with his best friend. You were under the impression you were both his girlfriend and best friend. Guess not. It hurt, it stung and you didn't feel like fighting or placing blame. So you did the only ironically logical thing; broke it off. 

Spock was somewhat surprised when you ended it. To be honest, so were you. But it was the right thing to do. You weren't sure if you truly loved Spock, but you knew you cared for him enough to give him the space he needed to figure out his "cumbersome human feelings".

As if being on a starship on a five-year mission wasn't enough space already.

You heard his steps behind you as rushed to the first available turbo lift, squeezing in before it closed behind you. You closed your eyes and let out a breath as you leaned your head on the lift wall. But you were suddenly startled by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"You seem to be handling things well with lover boy there."

You let yourself smile at the voice of your captain and friend of many years sound beside you. You roll your head to the side to look at him through your lashes, a mocked look of annoyance splayed over your features.

"Jim, if I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it."

"Yeah, well, since when to I wait for permission?"

"I would hope always. But I'm a realist." You laughed lightly as you fully turned to him, leaning on the lift wall, his blue eyes piercing your (e/c) ones, making your heart do a flip.

Jim did the same thing, his yellow shirt pulling taught at his arms as he folded them. "But honestly, are you doing alright?"

You felt a lump in your throat as you blinked back tears at the sincerity in his voice. The two of you had grown up together so it was hard to keep anything a secret. "Yeah. Better than I was doing before. It doesn't help that I am stationed under him but it helps me move on, I guess."

Jim's ears perked at that. "So you don't think you will give him a second chance? I mean, we are talking about Spock here, he can be painfully persistent."

You roll your eyes. "I did date him for eight months. I understand that completely." You ran your hand through your hair, most likely screwing it up. "I don't think I will. If you saw what I did you would understand. He looked at her differently, like he was really seeing her. It made me wonder if he was dating me out of pity or some sort of obligation."

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