Protocol- Kirk

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You kept to yourself as you sat down among the rest of the Captains and First Officers of Starfleet. There hadn't been much of anything going on lately so you welcomed the sudden meeting, albeit you'd rather be leading your crew on a mission instead of sitting and listening to the new Admiral, Admiral Farris, ramble on about his three new grandbabies and his favorite Vulcan dish his wife made last week. But you'll take what you can get.

You were fairly new to Starfleet. No, not in the role of Captain, you had been captain and renegade leader of your species for at least ten years. No, you were new to Starfleet as a whole and it was taking some getting used to. Especially how capable and handsome the men are.

Your species evolved into letting women be the dominant sex. Not that men weren't capable, it just so happened that females had a proclivity that matched that of human males. That being said, you weren't used to being led under a man and having to share your position in rank with over others, more than half of them being male.

But there was one man who didn't set your teeth on edge and he wasn't so bad to look at. The men in your species weren't known for their attractiveness. So, seeing James T. Kirk sitting across from you didn't bother you one bit. In fact, it boosted your stamina to make it through this meeting.

The Admiral finally got off the tangent of his family and got to business.

"Alright. Now. We have a few things to take care of here." Farris cleared his throat and made eye contact with everyone around the room.

Except you. How encouraging.

"We have found a cluster of Klingon ships just past the neutral zone and they are targeting any cargo and trade ships that are passing through. Despite what species they are. That includes the Fassiki. If we were to help them save their cargo by getting rid of the Kilgons in that area, we may be on the fast track to an alliance we have been working for."

Your ears perked up at the mention of the Fassiki. You knew those people and they were exceptionally hard to befriend. But not if you aid them. You knew a few of their officials but nothing past mutual courtesy and politeness. It is some what hard to be kind to a species that has captured you and tortured you for months then without explanation let you go. They were misinformed and captured the wrong woman but that didn't make the scars go away.

Secretly you hoped you were assigned, that way you could use what they did to you as leverage, as well as the help Starfleet, will provide for a start of an alliance. Fierce they may be but the Fassiki are uncommonly loyal and have memories that rival that of any other species known to exist.

You glanced around the room to get a feel for how the others thought. The two other female captains turned to you, knowing of your past, with hopeful eyes. You gave them a nod, glad to have some sort of friendship. But that feeling was soon squelched.

"The squadron assigned goes as follows; Lead Alfa squadron, Revelon, Bradbury, Mavrik. Back up Delta squadron: Enterprise, Hailmane, Dawn. Information has already been sent to your commanders. Ronduevues at fifteen hundred. Let's nip this in the bud and add another ally. Good luck."

You stared at your hands and bit the inside of your cheek. You were over looked and it wasn't because of your gender, Captain Mercer of the Hailmane was female. You didn't get up as other's stood and walked out. Instead, you looked up and about bit your tongue. Kirk was staring at you with a frustrated look but you knew it wasn't aimed at you. You watched with wide eyes as he stood, tucked his hat under his arm, and called out for the Admiral, racing after him.

"Admiral! Sir, please."

You didn't hear much but you did hear your name and your ship. You didn't want to be disappointed again so you stood and walked the other way out of the conference room. When you first arrived here in Starfleet you had fought against everything that seemed unjust to you and your people.

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