Painful Confessions - Spock

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The first thing you noticed was the amount of pain your whole body was in. You groan and try to roll over but then you remembered you were in an alien ship.

Your eyes shoot open and you look around. Spock moaned somewhere near your feet. You blinked at how bright it was. Looking up, you found a top hatch open. You grunt and struggle your way out, wincing at the sudden brightness. Graceful would not be the way to describe how you got down from the ship. You laid down on the ground and caught your breath, trying to not exactly think about what all just happened. Suddenly you see movement, causing you to stand quickly, ready to fight them off. But you let out a breath of relief when you saw it was just Spock.

That relief turned to worry as soon as you saw the large piece of metal sticking out of his chest, just missing his heart. You quickly came to his side to help him.

"Oh God, Spock." He heavily planted his feet on the ground, graciously leaning onto you as you did your best to support him. "Lets lay you down over here." Spock moaned once you laid him to rest on the front of the alien ship. "Easy, easy." You looked him over once you were sure he was propped up alright.

You looked at his wound, your hands hovering over it as if they would magically heal it. "Um, ok. You are going to be fine. Everything will be ok." You said more to yourself than to him.

Spock lifted his head slightly to look at you then his wound. "The forced optimism in your voice shows that you are trying to illicit a sense of calm-"

You snorted and pointed a finger at him. "Oh be quiet you. This is some horse shit I wasn't trained for." You again, said more to yourself than to the Vulcan.

You may be a doctor but you were still Scottish. But like your older brother always said, the Scottish know how to take care of their own with a bottle of scotch and sharp object. With no scotch handy you start looking for a pointy object.

Spock once again lifted his head slightly. "Doctor, I fail to see how excrement of any kind bares relevance to our current situation." He suddenly reaches up onto your shoulder to pull himself up, wincing badly in the process. Your eyes go wide and you place your hand on his chest, hoping to push him back down.

"Whoa, what in God's name are you doing?"

"We must keep moving."

"Spock! This thing's punctured your iliac region!"

"Time is a ritual factor."

"That's exactly what I'm trying to tell you! Look, if I cant take it out, you're gonna die. Ok? If I take it out and can't stop the bleeding, you're gonna die."

"I can see no appeal in either option." Spock lets out a breath as you shake your head.

"Yeah well, believe it or not, neither can I, pointy ears." With that you patted his shoulder and left him to find your pointy object. "So, if I remember correctly, the Vulcans have their hearts where humans have their livers." You picked something up off the ground then went to the ship.

Spock turned to look at you, his eyes drooping. "That is correct, Doctor."

You nod your head and started pulling on a part of the ship. "That explains a thing or two." You look over at him and try not to let his pained expression get to you. "You know, you are lucky. An inch or two to the left," the ship part finally broke free, flinging you back into a large puddle of water, "you would already be dead." You stand up and shake yourself off. "I just don't get it, Spock. Why would they attack us? Just because they wanted that little doodad those little critters didn't want?"

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