Chapter Thirty-Eight

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(A/N the song is 'Hold on We're Going Home' by Drake!! I love the song plus I think it fits perfectly! Ahh enjoy!!! Xx)

Harry’s POV

The entire school day felt like it was neverending. All of my classes seemed to go by extra slow today. Especially when I wanted them to go by fast. It’s Friday. And sure I know I will have to be back here on Monday, but at least it will give me three days rest. Or I guess two days rest since I have work tonight.

It’s lunch time now and instead of  going to the library to study, which is what I usually do, I decide to sit by my locker. I’ve never really been a big fan of the cafeteria. Too much talking. Scratch that, way too much loud obnoxious talking. I like to be to myself. That’s why I have a book in my lap and an apple in hand. I take a bite of my apple and begin chewing, skimming the text book in my lap. I flip the page and take another bite when I feel someone looking at me.

I slowly lift my head up and see who it is. Layla. She just stares at me. Not saying anything, just staring. I take another bite of my apple and give her a small smile. She quickly turns on her heels and walks away. I groan and bang my head against my locker.

“You shouldn’t do that. I heard it kills brain cells.” I look up to see who is talking to me, Zayn.

“Yeah, I’ve heard that too.” I sigh and he takes a seat next to me.

“Is there a reason why you're banging your head against your locker?”

I look over at Zayn, and roll my eyes. I honestly don’t get it with him.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask staring him directly in his scary light brown eyes.

“Doing what?”

“Talking to me. And I don’t know actually being nice to me. You’ve been bullying me since we were what freshman? And now you actually speak to me as if we are friends are something. And I just don’t get it.” I ramble on and Zayn nods, looking away from me.

“I don’t know really. I think… Maybe I’m trying to better myself.” He looks back at me and shrugs. “It’s never too late to get your karma right.”

“Yeah.” I smile and sigh. “So why are you not eating with your friends?”

“I was actually going to go to the library and study for my physics exam that I have next week, but it’s closed. And they’re not really my friends anyway. They just hung out with me because, well I’m me. And they wanted to keep themselves relevant.” Zayn’s voice is cold when he speaks about his ‘friends’ and I nod.

“See that’s why I don’t have any friends.”

“Well I wouldn’t say that. I consider us friends. Or at least almost friends.” Zayn smiles and ruffles my hair.

“Well then, since we are friends, I can help you with your physics. I can call into work late and we can stay after school yeah?”

“Yeah. Thanks Harry.”

“No problem.” The lunch bell rings and Zayn and I go our separate ways.

After school I stick with my promise and meet up with Zayn by my locker. We spend about an hour after school working on all of this stuff. Physics is my least favorite subject. Obviously it’s easy to me, but for some people it’s difficult. I honestly don’t know why they consider this a science.

When I get to work, I run to the back to grab my apron. We are not that busy today. Just a few finishing touches on some cakes and that’s it. I securely tie my apron around my waist, when I hear my boss call my name. I go to her office and she tells me to take a seat. I immediately start to worry.  Did I do something wrong? Maybe a customer complained about me.

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