Chapter Forty-One

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(A/N and another one!!!!!! Xx)

Nina’s POV

I finally found it! My outfit for tonight. I must say it does look good. Even if it may have taken me three hours to put this outfit together. I can’t decide if I want to go with this white top or blue one to go with my tan aztec print leggings. I’m holding them both up trying to decide when I feel my phone go off. I sigh and answer it not bothering to look at who it is.


“Hey Nina.” Zayn speaks from the other end and I smile.

“What’s up?”

“Just making sure you aren’t canceling on me.” He chuckles.

“Of course not! I’m actually trying to finish my outfit.”

“Oh alright. Then I will let you get back to it. See you in an hour.”

“Ok. Bye Zayn.” I hang up and groan.

At least I’ve already done my make up. Now I just have to worry about my hair and which fucking shirt I’m going to wear. I sigh and look at my options once more, before I hear someone knock at my door. I look up and see my dad.

“White or blue?” I ask holding up the shirts and he smiles.


“I guess I’ll go with white.” I laugh at his facial expression and walk to my bathroom to change.

“Hey Nina when you’re done can we talk?”

“Yeah, just give me a second.” I finish putting on my outfit and look myself over.

Minus my undone hair I do look pretty good. Snaps for myself. I open my door and my dad has a smile on his face.

“You look nice.”

“Oh please. Have you seen this mess that’s on my head.” I point to my sloppy ponytail and he laughs. “So what’s up?”

“Do you know how proud I am of you?” My dad smiles and I do the same.


“I am Nina. So very proud of you. You are a very beautiful and very smart girl. And I want you to know I support you. Through anything. Whether it be school, careers, boys…” He mutters the last part and I chuckle.

“Thank you dad.”

“Some boys want things from you…” I can’t help but laugh at my father. “And you know you do not have to give them those… things, if you don’t want to. Or feel comfortable…”

“Dad are you seriously trying to give me ‘the talk’?” I laugh and so does he.

“I guess I am. And I know we’ve already had one, but I feel like I just need to give it to you one last time. Besides I’ve never seen you get all like this before, for a boy.”

“Yeah.” I sigh and he gives my forehead a kiss.

“You will always be my baby girl even if you will be moving out of the house in a few months.” He chuckles and I nod.

“Yeah I know.”

My dad gives me another smile before walking out of my room. I check my phone and see I have a solid thirty minutes before Zayn will be here. I rush to my bathroom and figure out what I’m going to do with my hair. Since it’s already messy I decide to do a really cute, sloppy, and put together bun. I fix my hair up and touch up my makeup. I hear my dad yell my name, telling me Zayn is here. I find my white TOMs and slide them on before leaving my room.

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