Chapter 7: First Quest Final

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Shirou's here. In games these days, beginners have a level up growth boost. It kinda makes games boring so I prefer old games where you have to do your best.

An old man came out of the staffs door. Yup, he is the father of Licia, Zen the Blacksmith.

" Father, look I became friends with them "

The old man looks at me as if assessing me. His eyebrow twitched and said....

" You boy, what's your name. "

" Shirou sir' "

" You seem to be experienced with swords let's have a duel, if you win the swords are free "

This is quite something, perhaps he was a battle junkie in his glory days.

" I'm sorry but I don't have any experience yet, also i'm just a the lowest rank in the guild and my level, its only level 1 "

" Kid, you cant fool me. I've been in company with weapons and I know just from looking your hands, those are not the hands of a beginner "

Wow, with old age comes great wisdom huh, might as well have a spar with him to know the difference between the power from here and our world.

" Hahaha, I guess I cant hide it from you old man. Then lead the way "

" Nice spirit! Now follow me "

He shouted with a happy face and so we went to the back of the shop.

" Shirou are you sure about this. Your stats are so low you know, you might be just an insect to him. "

" Hey, that hurts. But dont worry 'cause I've been training since my childhood "

" Is that so, then good luck "

" Ummm... Are you sure about that Yuuki-san. My father's level is 15 you know. "

Licia asks Yuki worriedly about me but she just hums it off.

We enter a quite spacious room, maybe this is the basement. At the center of this room is a block of black stone. Due to my curiosity, I used my [Appraisal] and saw this.


Room Stone

Price: 20 Gold

-Stone that has a property to create an artificial space when supplied with mana


OK, that small stone costs like hell!!

" This is where we will have our duel, by the way this is also my workshop. Just choose any sword there that fits you and tell me when you're ready. "

At the side which Zen pointed, there are a lot of swords. They vary from weight, length, sharpness, and balance.

But from all the swords I saw, there is one that I am familiar with. 

I took the sword and unsheathed it from its scabbard. 

The sharpness and balance is good.

I pick up the katana and take a position. I swing it a bunch of time to take the hang of it.

" You seem to be experienced in holding that sword"

" Yeah, in my hometown I used to train with this kind of sword."

" Ho, so someone made that kind of sword. I thought that I am the  first one who made that."

Zen seemed a bit sad from my comment but it is quite interesting because since the day we came here, it is true that we have seen a lot of adventurers and people holding sword but never a katana.

" Don't worry because you are the first one who made this. At least in this world. Anyway lets start the duel"

" That's the spirit kid. Then get ready! "

Old Zen picks up a sledge hammer and a medium sized round shield. The way he looks right now is like a kid that wants to play.

Suddenly, he disappeared without even saying anything and the next thing I know, he's already behind me. I felt a chill on my back and so I dashed forward to avoid the attack.

From my previous position, a loud bang can be heard and smoke of dust covered it. As soon as the smoke dissipated, I can see Zen picking up his hammer on a small crater.

" Nice reaction kid. But don't let your guard down. "

" Old man, you're so fast. Try to slow down a bit."

Even though he is old he can move quickly. Also, that strength can't be underestimated. A normal person would be crushed in bitterness if they were to face him. That's why I use [Rule Break].

" [Heavy Strike] get ready kid! "

A huge hammer was formed above me and was about to be crushed. But such expectation was crushed. I swing my sword upward and the huge hammer was divided into two and disappeared.

" What the..."

Such words can be heard from Zen but still, he didn't stop there. He used a combination of skills.

 " You won't escape this time, [Speed Break] [Speed Boost] [Double Strike] "

The moment he used [Speed Break] I can feel my body getting heavier. And along [Speed Boost] and [Double Strike], his body was covered by an aura and his armor and hammer began to shine.

This time his movements is faster than before. In normal eyes, he must be using teleportation but with my [Rule Break]  I am able to see.

In the audience, only Licia was worried and she is continuously screaming. Unlike Yuki, who's just watching with a smug face. I guess she's confident that I will win.

When Zen is about to hit me, I jumped back to avoid it but suddenly another one came quickly. I tried to defend against it but I wasn't able to. I was sent flying to the wall.

I don't know why but I feel pain all over my body. Also, even Yuki began to scream.I looked at my condition and it was bad. My body is in tatters, wounds at different parts can be seen. It must be because of my stats that I'm receiving such damage. Therefore I used [Rule Break] again to heal my wounds.

When my wounds are okay now, I took a stance.

I calm myself and focused on my mind, breathing and every movements.

" That's it ! Now you're getting serious! "

Before he can even begin to attack again, I dashed towards him and sliced his shield in half. Once I was behind him, I pull his neck, kick his legs to make him kneel and lay the sword on his neck.

And yup, I did it in about 3 seconds.

" I surrender"

When Zen surrendered I released him and apologized. And we went out of the room back to the store. Along the way there is only a complete silence. Until Zen spoke.

" Kid, I made up my mind. Marry my daughter. "

" I'm sorry what? "

Shirou was left flabbergasted by the series of events, first the duel next this.

We didn't dally anymore but still we got the swords and stuff for free and left.

On the way we went straight to the western forest.

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