Burn | 6

102 4 0

Pairing- Dean/Cas or Destiel

Summary- Castiel is dying, and Dean will not leave his side, despite there being horrible consequences.

Warnings- Major character death (it seems that I really love killing Cas off lol)

Tears welled at the brims of Dean's eyes as the life faded from Castiel's. A demon, of all things, had stabbed the ex-angel through the chest. Dean had looked away for a second, if that, to help up his brother. One second too long.

A last demon had gotten to Castiel from the corner, and that's where we are now.

Dean held Castiel's head in his hands, tears streaming down his face. 

"Cas? Hey, hey baby. I'm right here, sweetheart. I've got you." Castiel smiled at Dean's words, reaching up to put a hand on Dean's face. 

"I'll love you, always." He said, his smile fading. "But you need to run." Dean furred his brow. 

"No, no- Cas I'm not leaving you, ever." Cas shook his head.

"Dean, you- you don't understand. My wings- they'll burn you." Dean pressed his lips to Castiel.

"Then let me burn."

Castiel began to sob, desperately kissing Dean's hands and arms. "Sing for me?" He asked, feeling his eyes growing heavy. Dean swallowed the lump in his throat, trying to find the perfect song to sing to his angel.

"Wise men say,"

"Only fools rush in." Castiel closed his eyes and hummed along to the melody.

"But I can't help, falling in love with you." Dean decided not to note that Castiel had stopped humming, and finish his song.

"Shall I stay? Would it be a sin."

"If I can't help, falling in love with you." Dean stopped singing when he felt a burning sensation spread over his chest. Looking down, Dean could see the coal black wing-marks scorched over the concrete floor. He pulled down his shirt to see the same marks burnt onto his skin. 

"Cas." He choked out with a sob. 

"I'll love you always."

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