The Gag Reel | 5

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Pairings- Reader/SPN Cast (not romantically or sexually)

Summary- You play Sam and Dean's adopted little sister, Sasha, on Supernatural, and though being a part of this particular cast has many perks- it can be a tad hard to keep focus.

Warnings- Coarse language, that's all really.

"Dean, this isn't fair- I'm not a child!" You screamed, saying your line perfectly.

Jensen, Dean, shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. "(Y/N), for the last time you cannot come on this hunt- shit I said (Y/N) didn't I?"

You and Jared who stood beside you broke down in laughter, Jensen soon following.

"Sasha!" He said with a chuckle, shaking his head, "I meant Sasha."


It was one in the morning, and you were rehearsing a scene where your character, Sasha, was kidnapped by two demons who were stupid enough to mess with a loved one of the Winchesters. You were ridiculously tired, and all you wanted was to get the night over and done with so you could go to bed.

The demon who was on watch circled your body that was tied up from the ceiling. He pulled a sharp blade from his belt and ran it lightly over your chest, "Any last words, little Winchester?"

You spat fake blood in the poor actor's face.

"Just kill me slowly- wait that's not what I want." You, as well as the whole crew and cast present broke down in laughter.

"Well, that'll make that gag reel." You said, causing more laughter to erupt from the crew. You smiled, flashing your teeth covered in sickeningly sweet fake blood.

"Can I take it from the top?"


"Dean, you- you're alive?" You said, bringing Dean, Jensen's character, into a hug.

"You smell really good." You said, sniffing his shirt, causing the crew, as well as Misha to break down in laughter.

Jensen nodded with a chuckle, "I should- you brought me the cologne." He said, and you both joined the crew in laughter. Seconds later, Misha brought Jensen in for a hug, smelling his neck.

"Hm," he said. "Musky."


"Chuck, Luci, you need to sit the hell down right now and sort out this issue! I can't handle this argumen- can you please stop doing that?" You groaned at Rob and Misha, who were currently making ridiculous faces while the camera was on your coverage.

"(Y/N)," Misha said, sitting back in his chair. "I'm sorry that you're such a terrible actress, but we are doing nothing wrong!" You rolled your eyes over dramatically.

"Guys, c'mon I've had a really shitty day. Let's get this over and done with so we can go home?" Rob smiled pitifully and brought you into a hug.

"Sorry (Y/N), let's get it done." You sighed and went back to your starting mark.

"Sasha, you can't run from me. I'm the King of Hell! I can always find you eventually.

"Well then, go back to Hell. I don't want you here. Besides, you... smell... weird..."

Mark couldn't help it and started laughing, "Is that even a line?

"I was told to improvise there. I couldn't think of a besides." You defended.

"Okay, let's try this again." Mark chuckled.

"Still rolling!"

"Sasha, you can't run from me. I'm the King of Hell! I can always find you eventually."

"Well then, go back to Hell. I don't want you here. Besides, you're just a... gay penguin!"

"Really? Am I now? Then you're Lucifer's...handbag."

"You're an ugly...demon..."

"I am a demon."



You looked at Mark, he looked back. You stared at each other for a good minute or two before bursting out in laughter. You knew this would never work; someone had to write something or this scene would fall apart. Together, you made a bad combination; You were one of the few people who could get Mark to laugh while he was in character.

"Gay penguin? C'mon (Y/N)!"

"You called me Lucifer's handbag!"


You were in the middle of a serious scene with Jared and Jensen. Jared stood squared to Jensen, arguing about some topic or another while Jared argued back. It started out as research but, turned into a family blowout. You was meant to be asleep on the bed, waking up to the argument crying. You sat up slowly when Jensen's phone rang.

"Sorry! I'm being unprofessional." He joked.

Looking at his phone, he saw it was Danneel and, answered. He saw a couple bitch faces from Jared and yourself. He knew it was bad but, he had to answer his pregnant wife.

"Jensen, come back to bed, sweetie." You moaned, loud enough for Danneel to hear.

"I swear to god Ackles! If you leave your underpants on the floor one more time!" Jared joined it.

"Oh Jensen~" Misha sang, entering the room, "How about we get back to our threesome!"

Jensen groaned as Daneel started giggling, "They're doing it again, aren't they?" She asked.

"Yes, they are." Jensen answered, "We were in the middle of filming. What do you need, honey?"

"I called to tell you to stop leaving your underpants on the floor." She laughed, "But it looks sounds like Jared beat me to it."

Jensen groaned and hung up. "I hate all of you."

"You love us and you know it." You said seriously, waggling your eyebrows and licking her teeth.

"We have all of that on film..." The poor camera man was almost crying he was laughing so hard.


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