Teacher's Pet | 4

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Pairing-  Teacher!Dean/reader


Warnings- Domestic abuse (mentions), sexual abuse (inferred), major age gap, teacher-student relationship.

"(Y/N), I just don't know what to say. You're such an amazing student, you've never handed in a paper late- what changed?" You sighed, biting your lip and looking down into your lap.

"Mr Winchester... I'm sorry I just-" And then, without warning, you broke down. Within seconds you'd changed from happy old (Y/N), to a fumbling mess of sobs, right in front of the unbelievably hot Mr Winchester.

The teacher made his way to the desk you were sitting on and knelt down in front of you, his hand resting on your thigh. "(Y/N), sweetheart, what's going on?" You looked down into his sparking green orbs, that radiated warmth and comfort, making you feel like you could tell the man anything. For a second, just a second, you could've sworn he was about to kiss you. But that would be ridiculous. Mr Winchester was insanely hot, way too hot for you- and obviously plus the fact that you were half his age... And his student- the list really just goes on from there.

"It's... It's nothing Sir. I'm sorry!" You said with a fake smile, getting up and straightening your skirt and blouse. You wiped a few stray tears from your face and begin to make your way towards the door, but the teacher stopped you.

"Hey," he began, his voice softer than the gruff sound you were used to hearing. "I get it if you don't want to talk, trust me, I've been there. But stay in here with me?" He asked, and you furred your brow at the question.

"St-stay in here?" You asked.

"Yeah! I mean- just if you want to. I'm sure you don't want to go outside looking like you were crying, and I could definitely use some lunch company?" He said, the statement coming out as more of a question.

You smiled politely, nodding your head and turning back around to where Mr Winchester was making his way towards his desk. You pulled up a chair and took a seat on the other side of the burly wooden desk. It's not weird! You seemed to keep swirling the same phrase around in your head- and it wasn't, not yet at least.

"So." He said, taking a bite of his sandwich. "How's life?" You looked up to reply, and were greeted with the same shit-eating grin that had all of the female students in school drooling throughout his English lessons. You laughed.

"Um, okay I guess." You said.

After a few awkward seconds of silence, you spoke up again. "Actually, that's a lie." The teacher raised an eyebrow at your sudden confidence. "My home life, is shit." You laughed, not a real laugh like something was funny, but a dry, surely laugh. "My parents abuse me. Constantly, that's why I'm wearing a jumper in this heat, actually!" You weren't used to acting this confidently, and you'd never told anyone about the day-to-day abuse you suffered at home. There was just something about him, Mr Winchester I mean, that made you feel like you could open up.

Peeling off your blazer, your teacher was shocked to see dark purple and blue bruises and cuts along your arms. "(Y/N)..." He sighed breathlessly. "I'm so sorry."

You shook your head. "Don't be silly, sir. It's not your fault. I don't even know why I showed you." You said, your confidence fading. "It doesn't even matter, school will end soon enough- then I'll be able to get out." You gathered your things, ready to leave when Dean put his hand over yours.

"Please," he said, eyes glistening with worry, "Stay." You nodded sheepishly, sitting back down.

"When I was a kid, (Y/N), I lost my mom." He said, looking down at his desk. "My- my Dad took it pretty hard, and he used to, uh- hurt me and my little brother Sammie." You ran your thumb over his hand soothingly, humming a gentle 'I'm so sorry.'

He shook his head, smiling softly. "Anyway, one day I walked in on my dad touching Sam- I guess I just couldn't take it anymore, so I gave my dad a beating and took Sammie with me here, never looked back." He nodded, looking into your eyes, in a way that kind of made you feel like he could see straight into your soul.

"Anyway, my point is, don't wait (Y/N). You can get out, actually, and this might sound insane- I have a spare room at my house." Your mouth dropped open as you considered his offer. Leaving? Just the word was like music to your ears. But actually doing it- that was another thing.

"I don't know Mr Winchester-" you started before being cut off,

"Dean. Call me Dean." He said.

"Okay... well, Dean, I just- I don't know if I can, what will my parents think?" You said, worried about what they would do if they found out you had plans to leave.

"Trust me, (Y/N), It'll be fine. Me and my little brother can go over there and scare the shit out of them." He said with a smile, earning a laugh from you.

"Okay." You said with a smile and a deep breath. "Okay let's do it." Mr Winchester- Dean smiled and brought you into a hug. When you let go, his face was only millimetres from yours, close enough to just-

Dean was kissing you. He was really, truly kissing you and his lips were softer than you expected. And his hand was touching your face and it felt so right. You moaned into his mouth and felt him grin. Pulling away for air, you smiled and took a deep breath.

He sighed happily and looked at you with a smile. "Maybe, you could stay in my room tonight." You put your hands on his cheeks and pressed your lips lovingly to his.

"God I'm such a teachers pet."

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