I know you | 3

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Pairing- Claire/Dean (if you want to read into it that way but I didn't write it romantically) Dean/Cas or Destiel.

Summary- Claire knows Dean.

Warnings- Family issues, age-gap (again if you want to read this romantically you can but I didn't write it that way.)

"You okay?" Claire asked, staring worryingly at Dean.

"What?" He said with a shrug, "Yeah, yeah- I'm fine." Claire rolled her eyes.

"Don't talk shit with me, Winchester. I know you." Dean furred his brow and looked at her with confusion.

"Really," Dean scoffed, "You know me?" Claire looked down at the laptop absentmindedly and hummed in agreeance.

"Yeah, Dean, I know you. I know that you sleep around regularly, I know that you probably say constantly how awesome, or classic or legendary you are. I know that you are selfish, I know that you steal and cheat. I know you, Dean."

Dean scoffed angrily, running his hands through his hair and shaking his head.

"You know me, really Claire?"

It's hot as hell in here, in his 'Clapton and Page' suit. The 'bring your daughter to work day' line he used hit too close to home. Home he'll never have. Sheriff Coltrane – Dean wonders if that's an alias too – didn't bat an eye and Dean saw the moment she concluded Claire was their – Dean's and Cas' – daughter. The Mark shot electricity up his arm and down his spine. Desire. Wish. Want. It hurts tenfold when it's something he'll never have.

"You know that every day, I look in the mirror and I hate what I see? You know that every time I look at you, all I can see is- all I can see is the daughter I'll never have with him." Dean shook his head and forced himself to not cry.

"Him as in- Castiel?" Dean nodded with a smile and Claire put her hand on his.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." And for some reason Claire found herself crying, and Dean had wrapped her in a hug within seconds. Planting a soft kiss to her forehead, Dean felt a tear drizzle down his own cheek.

"Guess we'll just have to  get through our problems together, yeah?" He smiled, and she looked up with a tear streaked face.

"I know you, Dean Winchester."

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