Order of the Phoenix: Part 2

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Rose's POV

Hagrid was finally back and U was tending to his wounds. "Honestly Hagrid how do get yourself into this state?" I asked. Fang then started barking at the door and Hagrid went to answer it. He came back with Harry, Hermione and Ron in tow. As he told them his story I tended to his wounds again.

Then Umbridge arrived and the kids hide under the invisibility cloak. She told Hagrid about who she was and what she does. When she left the kids removed the cloak and then said goodbye to Hagrid. I did as well and lead them to the castle with them under the cloak. I removed their foot prints on the way to the castle.

On the night before Christmas holidays started I was called into Dumbledore's office. When I arrived I saw Harry and the Weasley kids. Dumbledore briefly explained want was going on and made a port key. I took it with the kids and we were taken Grimmauld Place. Sirius greeted us along with Angel and we all had butter beer.

So Molly arrived and told us Arthur was fine and thanked Harry repeatedly. Then she and I made breakfast for everyone. Before we all took a nap before going to see Arthur in hospital. Harry went in with the Weasley's first, then I went in with the order members afterwards. We discussed Harry's dream and his connection to Voldemort.

It was an amazing Christmas at Grimmauld place with Sirius, the Weasley's and some order members. But Sirius was now being depressed about us returning to Hogwarts. Snape came to inform Harry about his occlumency lessons and when to met him. Neither Harry or Sirius were pleased, but I convinced them the lessons were necessary.

One day Hermione came to me with an idea of how to get Harry's story about the night Voldemort returned out. I loved her idea, but wasn't pleased who was writing the story. But I still agreed to met them in the Three Broomsticks on the Hogsmeade weekend on Valentines Day. Harry had a date first before he met us at lunch at the pub. When he arrived both he I told our versions of want happened that day Voldemort returned.

It was a week later when the story was released in the Quibbler by Luna's father. Umbridge found out and banned the magazine which lead to everyone reading it. She gave Harry detention and tried to fire me. But she couldn't as I wasn't actually a teacher here and only work here when needed with no contract. Of course I still get paid for all the work I do.

I was in Dumbledore's office one day for a meeting. Talking about what happened with Trelawney and the new divination teacher Firenze. When Fudge, Percy and some aurors entered the office. Shortly later Umbridge appeared dragging Harry behind with a piece of parchment. I glared at her for holding my godson that way as she handed him to Percy giving the parchment to Dumbledore.

When they tried to take Dumbledore a fight broke out. I pulled Harry away while McGonagall grabbed the other student. Dumbledore spoke to us quickly before grabbing Fawkes tail and flying out the window. The others woke and left the office to try & find Dumbledore. Before Fudge left Phineas Nigellus said "You know, Minister, I disagree with Dumbledore on many counts ... but you cannot deny he's got style ."

I giggled at this and smiled at my great-great grandfather who returned it. He knows that I related to him and am a half-blood. But he loves me even though the other Black's (their portraits) don't. I know he loves Sirius to even though he doesn't show it to anyone but me.

It was time for the students in their fifth year to get carriers advice. McGonagall asked me to help her with Harry's. Umbridge also attended everyone which annoyed me. Especially with want she did during Harry's meeting. Harry wanted to become an auror and she said he'd never become one. But McGonagall and I told him he would & that we'd help him become one.

OWLs arrived and I was made to help watch during exams. I was proud when I saw Harry do his practical DADA exam and produced his patronus in front of Umbridge. It was time for the practical Astronomy exam and I was helping watch the students. When there was a commotion in the grounds coming from Hagrid's hut.

My blood boiled when I saw Umbridge and some aurors attacking Hagrid. I didn't think I opened the window and jumped out of it. I became a Pegasus in the air and barreled towards the scene. On approached I saw four stunning spells hit McGonagall who came to help in the chest. Hagrid picked up Fang and ran into the forest while I covered his back rearing on my hind legs neighing loudly. Once he was safe I took off into the forest towards my house and became human again.

 Once he was safe I took off into the forest towards my house and became human again

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One night Sirius called me to Grimmauld place as Buckbeak was hurt. The Weasley twins had left Hogwarts and it was the final day of exams. The school didn't need me for anything.So I went to Hogsmeade and apperated there.  When I arrived Sirius lead me to his mother's room where Buckbeak was. I had him help me nurse Buckbeak when Snape sent a patronus here.

It said Harry had an other vision and believed Sirius was in trouble at the ministry. Snape had seen him and Hermione enter the forest with Umbridge hadn't come out. He said he'd look for them and told us to send order members to the ministry. We called the others and Sirius left with them against my wishes. I couldn't go because someone had to be here when Dumbledore arrived and I needed to tend to Buckbeak.

When Dumbledore arrived Kreacher and I told him want was happening. He left straight away telling me to alert the ministry. So that's what I did, I sent a patronus to Fudge, Percy and the aurors. All I could do now was wait here for more orders from Dumbledore and tend to Buckbeak's injuries.

About an hour later I heard my great-great grandfather calling for Sirius from Harry's room. I went to see what he wanted it was probably a message. "Grandfather Sirius isn't here he went to find Harry" I told him. He gave me a sad look and I knew something was wrong.

"His dead Rosemary, Sirius is dead Bellatrix killed him in the department of mysteries" he told me. I started to sob quietly sitting on  the floor against the bed. With my knees pulled to my chest with him watching me. Remus soon showed up and I asked him to tell me it wasn't true.

But he didn't all he did was pull me into his arms and I cried into his chest. I couldn't believe that my brother was gone and wasn't coming back. I fell asleep in Remus's arms some time later and prayed next year would be better.


Picture of the prophecy above and want Rose looked like rearing in her Pegasus form (remember she is a buckskin not a black horse)

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