Epilogue: 19 Years Later

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Rose's POV

It has 19 years since Voldemort's demise at the hands of my nephew Harry Potter. I have working at Hogwarts as the transfiguration teacher, head of Gryffindor house and deputy headmistress. Every full moon I curl up in my office or wonder the forest. Slughorn taught me how the wolfs bane potion and I take it every month. McGonagall will retire soon and wishes for me to take over her position as headmistress.

Teddy has finished his education at Hogwarts and he was in Hufflepuff. He told me that he likes Victoire Bill and Fleur's oldest daughter. They haven't told anyone else of their relationship yet. But I know my great niece Lily wishes they'd marry some day. So that Teddy could be apart of the Potter and Weasley clan.

Harry married Ginny and they have three children together. James Sirius Potter their oldest is starting his second year at Hogwarts and is in Gryffindor. Albus Severus Potter the second oldest and the only one with Harry's eyes is starting at Hogwarts this year. Lily Luna Potter the youngest looks just like he mother and won't start Hogwarts for another two years.

Hermione and Ron married each other & have only two kids. Rose Granger-Weasley is also starting at Hogwarts this year. She has Weasley coloured hair but it is bushy like her mothers and she also is smart like her mother. Her younger brother Hugo Granger-Weasley has brown hair and won't start at Hogwarts for a few more years.

Right now I am waiting at the station to see my great nephews off. Even though I'll see them at Hogwarts any way. Lily spotted me first and flew into my open arms yelling "Auntie Rosie you came!" I chuckled at her excitement before putting her down to greet the others.

"Of course I did, I wouldn't miss this for the world" I told her. She held my hand and lead me to where the others were waiting. I didn't see James, but everyone else greeted me and I saw Harry walk over with Albus. Who looked down for some reason "what is wrong Albus?" I asked bending to his level.

"James keeps saying I'll placed in Slytherin and I want to be in Gryffindor" he told me.

"The hat takes your opinion into account both your father and I could have been sorted into Slytherin. But we asked not to be and the hat greeted our wish to be with our friends. So if it really concerns you about being in Slytherin all you need do is ask" I told him. Albus nodded his head seeming more cheerful when James ran over to us.

He told us he saw Teddy snogging Victoire and I smiled happily. Whilst Lily said she wished they'd marry some day. I then spotted Draco with his wife and son. I heard Ron telling Rose to beat him in all her classes. Hermione scolded him and I went to greet Draco saying goodbye to everyone. "Draco it is good to see you, how are your parents doing?" I asked once I reached him and his family.

"They are well, mum wants me to invite you to a family dinner Sunday night" he told me.

"I would love to come I'll owl her when I reach the school" I told him. Draco nodded his head we turned to watch the train leave. I saw his son Scorpius in the same compartment as the Potter and Weasley children talking to Albus. I disapperated to the school and waited for the first years to arrive. Whilst writing a letter to Narcissa saying I'd be there Sunday night.

The End


Picture of Rose Evans/Black above. Albus was sorted into Slytherin with Scorpius while Rose was put in Ravenclaw.

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