Chapter Thirteen

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Please listen to the song with it!! It's really important you do.
I laughed as the bus driver asked for money,"Listen love,I just got out of hospital,I don't have any money on me and I need to get to my job at Arkham. So we can either do this the easy way or the hard way."I said,rubbing my hands together. "Listen,my job is to drive the bus and collect the money off the people who ride it so if you would please pay up or be on your way."the bus driver said. I rolled my eyes and cracked me fingers,slowly touched the money tray and it started to freeze over,the ice slowly made its way towards the lady,she moved back but had nowhere to go. I laughed even louder as I watched her get frozen over,"Well you had an icy heart anyway love."I said,pulling her out of the booth and taking her out of the bus,'she should thaw out in an hour or two'I thought getting back in and sitting in the drivers seat. I grabbed the inter com thingy and clicked the button,"Please hold onto all of your belongings,this is gonna be a wild ride."I said and laughed,I stepped on the gas and everyone lurched forward.

After the ride .....

I hopped off the bus outside my apartment building,"What a fun ride!"I said walking up the stairs. I open my apartment door to see Kelly,Amber and Bianca all sitting at the bench in the kitchen planning something. "Watcha planin'?"I asked,smiling like a maniac. They all turned around and gave me a filthy look,"Shut up weird cat who somehow got into this apartment,we're planning to find someone."Kelly said as they turned back to the plan. I shrugged and walked towards my room,I opened my door and just before I entered I turned around and said,"Watch what ya say to me Batspawn."before walking into my room and closing the door.

Kelly's POV
A weird girl just entered the apartment and expected us to tell her the plan,get real. It wasn't until I heard what she said back that I was caught off guard,"Watch what ya say to me Batspawn."she closed the door to Olive's room. I turned to the others,"Guys,I don't think we need to find anyone."I said,placing my chin on my palm. "Why'd that Kell?"Amber asked,her and Bianca looked really confused. "Well remember how Olive never really forgave me Lily?"I asked and she nodded. "What's she called me ever since,especially when she's not happy with me?"I asked,yawning a little,not to self never go two days without sleep. "Hmm. She's called you Batspawn or Bat Baby or something like that."Amber answered,I could see the bags under her eyes. "Exactly,She's home. In her room."I said pointing at her door. The looked at my weird,Bianca got up and walked over to Olive's door,"I could've sworn that this was open."She said trying to open it,"It won't budge." I got up and walked over,because of my over sensitive hearing,I could hear sounds that they couldn't. I heard sobbing,the dripping of what I hoped were tear into the sink. Then something startled us all,a very menacing laugh. "Olive,let us in!"I yelled. "NO!"she screamed,more dripping sounds. "Please let us in."I called and heard her light footsteps then a thud,she didn't make it to the door.

Olive's POV
I remember thinking how hurt I was when I saw their faces,the words. I remember thinking,'I am not special so would they care if I was gone?' I remember sitting on my bed and the my thoughts went foggy and I knew something wasn't right. 'Who knew one person could have so many different people in them? My insane side is out now,you probably won't save me,once she has a thought she does it. So just incase you're to late. I love you all dearly. '
My insane self made me watch,watch her do those horrible things to myself and scream at my friends. I had to watch it all unfold and I couldn't do anything. As soon as I gained control,I quickly started for the door,but I collapsed. I heard Kelly call out that they were coming but I just couldn't move,I blacked out.

Amber's POV
I quickly got up and grabbed a knife,going over and opening the door with it. As soon as we got in there,I dropped to my knees,"Francy why?"I sobbed out. She was lying there in a pool of her ow blood,words carved into her arm,smile carved into her cheeks to give the impression that she was always smiling,"Olive you stupid stupid insane crazy maniac ."I said as Kelly and Bianca went and picked her up. "We can't take her to the hospital,the doctors will think that we tried to kill her. I have leads I can get us a doctor. "Bianca said. "Well hurry up and lie her on the lounge and call this lead. Please hurry."I said freaking out.

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