Chapter Twenty-Four

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I wake up and open my eyes,I see white and freak out,"I'm not insane. I swear."I screamed. "Insane,who said anything about being insane?"someone said behind me. I groan and close my eyes,"Since when did you become a sentient being?"I asked. "Um since when was I not?"the voice asked and my eyes shot open again,I sat up and look for where the voice is coming from. My eyes land on a piercing green pair,they quickly flash blue and then back to green. A smirk,spread across my face,"So Kat what's it like breaking into people's houses and watching them sleep?"I asked. She hissed a 'Fùck' and walked out of the shadows,"How do you always catch meowt?"she asked,grubbing slyly. I giggled at her joke,"Easy peasy. Kitty,her eyes don't flash blue. Your eyes do Kathrine."I said,pointing it out. She forced me to stand up and backed me into a corner,"Don't call me that. My name is Kelly."she growled,holding me up against the wall by my neck. I struggled to breath.

Poor girl,she's going to kill you.
Why does everyone else get to have the fun?

I heard the voice and I growled,although is sounded more like a gurgle with Kelly's hand wrapped around my neck. I just realised how little oxygen I was getting,I tried to pry Kelly's hand off my neck with no luck. "Kel. Lef me don. Your gonva kill me."I chocked out. She snapped out of her trance and her hand slipped to her side. I slid down the wall and gulped massive amounts of air into my lounges ."I'm so sorry Olive. I don't know what happened."she said. I smiled,"It's fine Kel."I rasped out. She offered me her hand,I shook my head and stood up,propping myself against the wall. "So what are you doing here?"I asked. "Oh,I came over to see how Amber was going. Since Gotham hospital doesn't exactly let me in the doors unless I'm dying. "Kelly said.

Kelly's POV
I look around the room and my eyes land back on Olive. Her posture had changed,she had her head down,looking at the floor,her hands over her face. Her body was jolting ever so slightly. "Olive are you o
"It's all my fault."she interrupted me. "What's your fault?"I asked,a little confused. "Amber. She's gone."she said and the jolts became shakes. "Where? To a better hospital. That's okay I'm sure she'll be back in no time."I said,patting her back. "No Kelly. She's gone. She's dead."Olive said removing her hands from her face,she had tears shinning in the corners of eyes,"and it's all my fault." I shook my head,"It's not your fault. She died because that crazy clown got his wako psychiatrist and her kitty to rip shreds into her. So don't blame yourself for her death."I said. "Who do you think was calling the shots when the hospital blew up?"she asked me. The look on my face must've been horrific because I saw Olive gulp and look at the ground. "The hospital was blown up?"I asked in a shocked manner. She slowly nodded her head. "And you were calling the shots? Olive what were you thinking? Telling that crazy clown he could blow it all up? Do you know how many innocent civilians died because of your poor judgement?"I said,watching her break down into tears and slowly start laughing. "Oh Kathrine. Innocent civilians don't exist and when was the last time you have a fuck about the people? I mean beside Amber and Pam.  Plus it wasn't Olive's poor judgement stupid sleesey cat. It was mine."she lifted her head. Her hair started turning black and her eyes became emerald green. "Maybe you should do more detective work before you go to the conclusion."she said. I backed away as she slowly stood up. I took the whip from my belt. "Awe. Is the little puddy cat scared of a little clown?"she taunted and then laughed. She tapped her head,"oh and you may wanna remember the name Elle. Tell the devil I said hi when you go back to where you came from."she said,bending down and pouncing on top of me. I toppled back and fell to the ground near the table. I watched Elle's eyes land on the knife,a devilish grin spread across her face as she reached out and grasped the handle. She laced her fingers together as she wrapped her hands around the handle. She raised the knife and I heard her whispering,"I've got my finger laced together and I've made a little prison and I'm locking up everyone who ever laid a finger on me. " I gulped as she held the knife to my neck. "Olive,I know you're still there,please try to stop her." Elle just laughed in my face,"Olive is gone for a bit,but I'll tell her you said bye when she's back again."she said and I felt a shocking pain in my neck. My hand hand fly up to my neck as I see Elle standing up and walking toward the kitchen. "Didn't anyone ever teach you that it's rude to trespass?"she called over her shoulder as I looked at my hands that were now covered in my own blood. I let out the last of my breath and everything went black.

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