Chapter 15 - Eleutheromania

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For two years, World's Finest Magic not only stayed in business, but thrived. They were better than ever, and the talk about The Illusionist spread to the other side of the world, bringing in huge audiences like never before. So much so that they were doing two full shows a night or more. Phil had mastered all of his tricks, and no one ever suspected he was anything but a skillful magician. It seemed perfect.

Behind the curtain where no one could see, a frenzy of activity spurred. Dan's flirting with Phil was something that everyone seemed to come to expect. A rumour spread that they were dating and that's why Dan admired him and his magic, but this wasn't true. He truly did love his magic, but his flirting was something different. Phil on the other hand was a much better flirt. He would say things that would cause Dan to fluster, and he loved nothing more than teasing him.

No one knew of course, but Phil would read Dan at times and hear things like God, I want him to just kiss me already. Phil would then say aloud, "I bet you'd really like me to kiss you right now," and then with a smirk, leave the room.

No one had any question that Dan was gay. It was something clear and obvious, but not something anyone ever said aloud. No one knew for some time, however, that Phil took a liking to boys as well. Dancers and assistants flirted with him every so often, but they soon realized that this was to no avail. Phil would only respond to flirts from Dan, so it became accepted that Dan and Phil were the power couple; the best magician and the proud owner. Yet despite this seemingly perfect match, they were not together. Some assumed they flirted for show, some thought it was just an on-going joke.

In any case, Phil was twenty three. He wanted to feel like an independent adult. It was time he lived a normal life while still controlling his magic. Phil rented himself an apartment relatively close to WFM, where he would be able to live by himself. Alone. Free.

Hector was reluctant to the idea of letting Phil go by himself, but decided that he had no choice. He sat Phil down alone on the day he was leaving.

"Phil, I've taught you everything I know about magic. Everything but one thing. This is something quick – I won't waste your time. There are three parts to a human: the body, the mind, and the soul. The body is just a casing that holds you together. The mind is the science that allows you to live, like your brain. The soul, however, is much more fragile. It is your personality. It makes you who you are."

"Okay?" he asked confused.

"Just listen! The soul is fragile. Magic can easily harm it. For example, manipulating someone's mind can permanently damage their memory." He paused for a moment so that Phil would understand.

"Hey, how did you know I did that?! It was years ago, and only twice! I thought you'd have no memory of it!"

"I didn't know, but I figured you learned the skill by now and never told me, so now I assume you used it on me and that's why I can barely remember my breakfast this morning. Don't do it again to anyone, or I'll cut off your fingers! Got that?"

"Yes sir." He began to stand up.

"Oh no, sit down, We're not done. Phil, the serious reason that you need to control yourself and your magic is to prevent magic from exploding inside you."

"Excuse me?"

"What can happen is, if you are overcome by certain emotions, as you know, your magic can't be controlled easily. If it becomes too strong over you, you can experience what's called a magic pulse. You couldn't before because you weren't nearly strong enough, but now it becomes a possibility. A magic pulse is a surge of magic that is expelled from your own soul and it affects other souls nearby within a certain radius. It comes from yours, but if it touches another soul, it can tear it from the person, therefore separating the soul from the body and mind, and eventually killing the person."

"How do they happen?"

"Certain overwhelming emotions can trigger them."

"What's a person like without a soul? Do you know?"

"Yes, but I prefer not to say. I hope you never get to see it."

"How can I prevent it?"

Hector looked at him coldly. "There are many ways, but the best way is to never, ever, fall in love."


"Don't do it. Never fall in love."

Phil was about to counter such a ridiculous command, but his parents walked in.

"Phil," his mother cooed. "We are so happy you're getting your own place! We are so proud of you."

"Anything you do, son," said his father, "we will be proud."

"All of your things are packed?"

Phil smiled and nodded, then stood to hug them both. "Thank you, guys. I love you."

"Love you too, sweetie."

Hector left the room to his own quarters, and in moments via a magic hand, his own bags were packed. Phil noticed and glared at him.

What are you doing? he thought, hoping to have an in-mind conversation. Instead Hector spoke aloud to him and his parents.

"I suppose I will be on my way."

"Hector? You're leaving too?" asked Mrs. Lester. "You really don't have to. You've become a part of our family! Please stay with us."

"I'm afraid I can't, ma'am. I am needed elsewhere. It's been a wonderful many years with you and your family, but it's time I head on out for the last time."

Mr. Lester frowned. "Well, you're always welcome back here for a visit. Won't you stop by every now and then?"

"I may, if possible."

"We'll miss you, Hector."

"And you as well." Hector looked at Phil. Don't do something stupid.

Thank you, he thought back. For everything.

He was left with a grin. Once Phil left to move in, Hector had disappeared just as quickly as he had come.

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