Chapter 16

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Sam's P.O.V
"cow" ethan laughs as he pushes me against the locker. "bitch" i mumble. i turn around as i bump right into Bella "oh shit sorry" i apologize "its fine" she says massaging her head. "so uhm how have you been doing?" she asks as she takes out her phone. "fine i guess" i slouch, she shrugs with smile.

ethans so lucky to have her

suddenly her phone rings "ayee scarrrr!" she squeals on the phone. "i miss you so badd...yeah?...ikk!....wanna comeover tonight?....great!" she says as she hangs up, she puts her phone back in her back jean pocket. "whats up?" i ask. "Scarlets gonna come over tonight" she says with a happy facial expression gestured "cool" i say with dis- excitment.

just imagin all the things i could have done to bella ;)

Ethan's P.O.V
i run in the hallways trying to avoide any non sense. my "fucking move...bitch" i say to a girl who just callopsed to the ground "told you to move" i say as i ignore her. i finaly recite bella "hey bell..." i say "hey..uhh sam give us a minute Sam" she says as she tells sam for spacious privacy. "sure" he says as he gives me a dirty. "sorry 'bout last night" i apologize "its fine" she says in a disagreemnet "why are you so mad?" i say gripping her arm keeping her still "why do you ca-" she gets cut off "oohhh because you want me to fuck you in bathrooms?" i laugh "fuck off your dick is 1 inch-" she cusses "come on" i drag her to the boys bathroom "let! go!" she says struggling from my grip "so weak" i laugh as i keep dragging both of her forearms with one hand. "e-thannn!" she yells as she trys to let go "get in" i order as i swing the bathroom door open for her "no you dick" she says " yes princess get in" i say pushing budging herp "fuck off!" she says as she hits my chest "Can you not!" i say "can you not fuck me?" she yells aiming to get everyones attention. everyone stands still staring at us. "great job, want a treat? you just created a scene" i mumble "oh fuck me dead" she mumbles back. we both run to the back of the school."so emabarrsing!" i curse as my stomache hurts from specific running stitches. we hit corners as we push through obsticals "all! your! fault!" she says word by word as she breathes deeply. we finally get to the back of the school. we hit the wall with our shoulders "you dick!" she grunts against the wall while trying to catch her breath back.

Bella's P.O.V
" you dick!" i say crouching against the wall trying to aim my breathe back. "fuck you" he says breathing as he holds his stomache in crouching against the wall. he looks at my lips. i look away avoiding him "change your attitude" he says with a glare. "i wouldnt be talking fat fuck" i say as i slap him. he looks back at me, my slap has caused a red hand mark on his face. he pins me hard against the wall "dont fuck with me like that!" he spats. "man off bitch" i say as i kick him in the lower region. he surrenders as he grips his lower region "jesus" he says as he crouches on his knees, his snapback falls into the ground infront of him. "thats what your fat fuck low life gets" i say as i walk away from the scene.



"so next lesson-" the teacher gets cut off by ethan "oh i didnt do the homeowork" he calls out swinging on his chair "i didnt ask for the homework yet" the teacher fake smiles. "yeah but when you do ask, dont ask me coz i dont have it" ethan says, i look at ethan, he gives me a death glare as i sigh madly. "dennis" ethan says leaning into the table with a smile. "did you just- its Mr Scuppie in here! , its not dennis to you, its not dennis to her, its Mr Scuppie in here! Okay!?" he yells. "aright chill denny" ethan smirks swinging back and fourth on his chair with a smirk. "anyways we signed chapters 3-" the teacher gets cut off again by simon, we all groan.

hate that kid.

"Mr Scuppie, i actaully read the whole book and the sequeal, i dont think i was allowed to but-" he smiles with his white and red striped shirt tucked in his paige pants. "oh thats amazing Simon! you know what that deserves some extra credit-" the teacher says as he gestures his smile. "no its fine really-", "no its ok, i am gonna write your name on the board, such a good boy" the teacher smiles as he gets his blue white board marker and writes Simon's name on the left top corner under where it says "Mr Scuppie's Class."


"e-ethan" ethan mimicks my moan at his lunch table with Grayson and the boys. Aaron laughs as grayson gives Ethan a glare. "slack dude" jc says as he picks on his food. i turn to look at my own food. i see them staring at me in the corner of my eyes. i hear them whisper as they argue.

i wish Scarlet was here. she always helps my fat fuck problems. Sam has detention. i have no muscle in words.

i get up and walk to his table with anger and feircness "hey bel" kian says with a toothy smile. "hey-" i say madly. "ethan can we talk?" i say as i cross my arms "i dont know can we?" he says as he sarcasticly scratches his head with his index. they all laugh exept for Kian and jc who look at me with sad eyes. i give them a small smile. "if your not dumb, yet you are tho" i say "fine but hurry your Motherly chat up" he says as he gets up and walks over to a corner, i follow along.

he be lookin lit today;)

"what do you want?" he says with pleasing rudness "no, the question is what do you want" i say as i move back against the wall. "what?" he says moving foward "oh my fucking gosh eeteeweetee shit!" i say as i facepalm "ohh i get it!" he says "yeah than theres something called "Answer my question" i fake smile "ok fine, i wanna get back together" he says as he sighs and gets closer.


" sure honey" i say sarcasticly with a fake smile. "really?" he says dis-believing me "no you dick!" i say walking away with my arms crossed "Bella, you dont have to be so strict with your answers and opportunities" he says as he tries to get my attention by walking infront of me. i stop and go to a corner " you know what i always wanted to do?" i question him. "hm.. what?" he says with a tilted head "step on your dick" i grunt. "i'll get you laid" he laughs "oh my gosh your making me laugh, hahhaah FUCK YOU!" i laugh sarcasticly as i finish my sentence with a different attitude. "please, one chance!" he says as he spins me around. tugging on my arm. "fine i will give you one fucking chance" i sigh loudly with a groan. i run my hands through my hair. he pushes me against the wall "ethan!" i say trying to push him off "let me atleast kiss you" he smirks. "not now eth-" before i get to finish my sentence his soft plump lips crash against mine. his hands grip my thighs deep in. i cupp his face with my two hands.

i liked the feeling.

i dragged his bottem lip down for an end of the makeout sesh.

"how'd you like that princess?" he smirks.

"it was fine" i smile with a weak shrug as i walk down the hallway with ethans arm snaking my waist. "so daddys makeout sesh wasn't enough?" he questions with a pouty smirk. "it was eno-" i drop my smile as ethan drags me to the male bathroom "oh shit" i grunt "yup" he says popping the "p" with a toothy smile. "your about to get laid'n'week" that was the last thing he said before he closes the boys bathroom door behind the both of us. "everyones in class-" i say "i dont care" he says stripping my clothes off. i smirk back as i strip him off. " when can i get you pregnant?" he laughs while taking his shirt off. "what the fuck! never" i smile back with a laugh.

"update please!"



there you go, i updated for yous😂

make sure to vote.😈🔥



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