Chapter 18

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Londyn POV
Tyla is finally recovering but she can't walk just yet. Ronnie and I have been taking care of her. Well mostly Ronnie. These past week or so I've been feeling sick. My body has been off, sleeping schedule isn't the same. Maybe it's time for a period.

I woke up to dishes clinging. I was so fatigued and out of energy, I had to roll out of bed. When I managed to catch a balance, I walked downstairs to see Ronnie washing dishes.

"Morning baby." I say in a raspy voice.

"Morning baby girl." He replies.

He put the last plate in the cabinet and dried his hands. He gave me a hug and a kiss and sat down at the table.

"I'm hungry Ron."

"What do you want to eat." He looked up at me.

"I dunno. Wanna go to iHop?" I say grabbing an apple off the table and biting into it.

"Sure." He says.

I sat at the table, scrolling through Instagram for a few minutes. I then got ready to go.

"Can you remind me to get Tyla's medicine?"


Ronnie and I left and went to iHop. We went in and sat ready to order.

"Hi I'm Chelsea and I will be server for today. Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress approached our table.

"No thank you." I replied.

"Okay just press the button on the Ziosk when you're ready."

.: 1 hour later :.
Ronnie and I went home to take care of Tyla. She's doing much better, although I wasn't.
As soon as I got home I threw up again.

"Baby are you okay?" Ronnie asked concerned.

"Yeah, I just need to lay down."

I kept throwing up. I just couldn't stop.

"Baby I think it's time to go to the emergency room."

"I'm okay Ronnie."

"No, you don't have a choice you been sick all week let's go." He grabs me and sits me on the couch.

He grabbed my sandals and put them on my feet. He then picked me up and put me in the car.

We drove into the emergency room and parked. He walked me in there.

"How may I help you today?" The lady at the front desk said.

"She won't stop throwing up." Ronnie says.

"What's her name?" She asks.

"Londyn Alsina" He then says.

She searches my name.

"Londyn Daina Alsina? Born May 11th 1997?" She asks.


She prints out my wrist band and tells us to wait.

"Alsina." The nurse calls.

We follow the nurse into the cold room as I call it. She tells me to sit on the bed while she puts on her gloves.

"What seems to be the problem young lady?" The nurse asks.

"I've been throwing up these past few weeks." I say.

"When is the last time you had your period?"

"May 14th."

"So its been 4 weeks. Have you been sexually active?"

I look at Ronnie and he turns his head.


"Is it a possibility that you're pregnant?"

"Possibly, I don't know." I shrug.

"Okay so we're going to take a pregnancy test and see what the results are." She takes out a pregnancy test from the bottom drawer.

She hands it to me. "Go to the bathroom down the hall."

I go to the bathroom and pee on the stick. I didn't bother to look at the test cause i don't want to cry on my way back.

I give the test to her and she waits. The pregnancy test beeps.

She turns to it and the words dropped my heart.

"Congratulations, you're pregnant."
Then there was mumbles. Ronnie was smiling, saying things I couldn't make out.

I'm having a baby...


Hey guys! It's been a while since I've updated and since I'm on spring break I thought I should just update.

I might add just ten more chapters then end the story :).

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