emo and popular 2

771 10 3

"So... What about Calvin?" "madness"(ha that's MEH!) ,your best friend said.  "Principal office again."
"That fuck boy is always there." madness said. "You will to if you don't control your language." you say laughing. Madness frowned. "Meh Meh fuck the rules." you shake your head. "Your sound like Calvin."
Madness rolled her eyes. "Here is a tip... ASK HIM OUT !!!!" she literally screamed at you. "Naw.." you say

°°°°°°° the next day °°°°°
°°°°Spongebob voice °°°°

Calvin walked in the class room. Slowly you slumped in your chair so he wouldn't see you.
A little while passed. Calvin being Calvin. You being you. "Guys do you smell that?" a boy named Grayson (random name) said. Everyone stopped. I look up from my paper. Smoke came in from the door opening. What about the alarm? You wonder. Ryan another boy opened the door ignoring the calls from Mr Christensen. Fire was everywhere students running out there class rooms .the alarms where broken. the school was burning down. It was harder to breath. You saw kids screaming,crying, running,pushing,shoving, everyone got out there seats with Mr Christensen all your class mates running out the door. You run too. Getting the hell out of there. Some kid pushes you. Making you fall on someone. You slowly get trampled by everyone. Fire started to get on your black long sleeve sweater. You screamed in pain. You take it off quickly. More people push you shove you. Finally a hand helps you up on your feet. You saw Calvin. He helps you up. "Lets go." he said to you and runs while carrying you. Suddenly a ceiling board falls. Smoke makes its hard for you and Calvin to breath. Calvin drops you and he falls. You scramble to him. "Calvin! Calvin!" you screamed. Flame surrounded you. Calvin coughed. You grab his arm ,dragging him.  You get to a door. You tried to open but nothing you heard   screaming out side but a familiar voice screamed. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT SHE'S IN THERE! YOU BITCH !NOW LET ME LOOK FOR MY BEST FRIEND AND I DON'T FUCKING CARE THAT I COULD DIE !"

'madness.' you thought.

Slowly you kick the door. "HELP US!" you screamed and looked at Calvin. "PLEASE!" kicking it harder this time. You kicked for your life and for Calvin.  The door snaps open falling out side. You see the blue sky and madness struggling. Two teachers had pinned her down. You look at Calvin. His face full of ashes some of his hair burned off. His hat was off and his hand in your hand. You look at the blue sky again before passing out.

°°°°°°°°°°LE TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY.... attack on titan .. NOW SHUT IT!°°°°°°^~^°°°°

You opened your eyes. Ever thing was white. Where you in heaven? Where was Calvin... And madness.. What about my family? What about the school. How did I get here?
You opened you mouth to talk. "She's wake! Calvin look!" you heard a voice. You see a emo haired girl. Madness, You see she wasn't Waring her glasses and her hairline was all messed up. Then you see a Brown eyed boy looking at you. "Calvin." you whisper. "Ill leave you two alone." madness said and walked out of the room.
"You helped me. Why?" Calvin asked.
"You helped me first. Why?" you asked and replied at the same time. "I wasn't going to just let you die in that burning school." Calvin said. You look at Calvin some of his hair sticking up and a few burns here and there. "But why?" you asked like a child. Calvin smashed his lips with your yours. Then pulled away
"Does that answer it?"

"Yes it does . you asshole."
Allison said for you. "Good." Calvin said, smiled and took your hand.

"I love you Emo princess!"

"I love you Rebel asshole!"


Madness here!

So..... How did you like the chapter? Wait who am I even asking this?

-_______________________- bru








So....,. Heh I'm writing this at fucking 6am sorry if it's crap... IM SLEEPY!!!!!!!!!!!

Bye -madness

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