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Reader ~P.O.V~

The days got colder. You was on the way to school, went right behind your childhood friends Tooru and Hajime, together with your brother. They (mostly Tooru) were quite loud for a monday morning. But it didn't bother you anyway since you wasn't involved in their conversation. They were just discussing about girlfriends since Tooru's fandom grew. It didn't interest you, so you walked slowly behind the group of screaming amd laughing guys, while you was caught in your own mind. A few minutes later, you arrived the bridge which separated you from your middle school. On the middle of the bridge, you stopped, not willingly to go further to the school. You just stared down the bridge. There was no big distance between the ground you're standing on and the river, which flew silent his way.
I wonder for how long can we stay like this?
You watched the three boys making their way to school, not even realizing that you interrupted your walk. Hajime was screaming to Tooru something with Shittykawa again and Mika was lauging at them. The thought of the five of you being separated some day hurted. You didn't want it to end but you knew that the boys would leave the school in spring.
But before that happens... I want to confess to Hajime... But... How? And when?
You felt something touching your shoulder and screamed out loud in surprise. It was Hajime who took you out of your thoughts. Mika and Tooru were already gone. "[f/n]-chan, if we don't hurry, we'll be late", Hajime said.
You realized that you took too much time for thinking about his graduation and forgot the time.
You nodded and followed Hajime to the school, while you took a bit distance to hide your tomato-red face. "Say, Hajime... What are you planning after graduation?" Thinking of Hajime leaving the school soon really bothered you. You didn't even know what he wanted to do next, so you just had to ask him. Hajime suddenly stopped, causing you to crash against him. You looked up to him but only saw the back of his head.
Was it wrong for me to ask? Do I even wanna have an answer?
"U-uhm... Just forget about tha-"
"I will go to Tokyo"

Your eyes widened. He sounded serious. No doubt... He actually was serious. You definetly wasn't prepared for this and this was definetly not the answer you wanted to hear. But since you didn't know what you wanted to hear from him, you had no other choice than take the answer and that brought the tears into your  eyes. You looked down on your feets, not realizing that your childhood friend turned around. Hajime was going to Tokyo. It was pretty far away from here. You wouldn't see each other for a long time if you ever have the opportunity to meet by this distance. Your head was filled with imagines of you going crazy when Hajime leaves. All you wanted now was to scream and to run away. Run somewhere where you would be alone, but your legs didn't move. They trembled. Your hands trembled. You bit your lower lip to avoid a sob. You didn't realize that tears already spilled out of your [e/c] eyes as you felt something warm on your cheek. You raised your head and saw a worried Hajime. With his free hand he wiped your tears away.

"Hey, it's no need to cry. Please don't cry. I can't stand this sight. We will message each other every day okay? I will send you thousands of pictures from Tokyo and i will definetly come back in holidays to visit you!" Before you could say anything, you felt his arms wrapping around you. You felt the warmth of his body and his breath on the top of your head. It felt good. So good. You stopped crying and let out one last sob until you enjoyed his embracement. It felt like hours passed in this position until you heard the school bell ringing. "Dammit! We're late!" Hajime shouted as he took your wrist and started to run towards the school, pulling you with him.

~Time skip~
You was on your way back home. Alone. Hajime and Tooru were still at practice and your brother should already be home. This evening it was your turn to make dinner so you wanted to get some things on your way. When you  came to a little supermarket, you decided to buy your things there. You quickly bought some ingredients for Miso-Ramen and hurried out the market to get home as soon as possible. You took the corner and unfortunately ran into two girls, while you dropped the bag with your future dinner.
"Hey! Whatch your steps!" A brunette girl said. "I-I'm sorry!" you rapidly said and took your bag, ready to go again, but when you took a closer look on the girls, your eyes widened. It was Asuka who talked to you and Chiyo stood right next to her. They've changed quite a lot. "Asuka-chan? Chiyo-chan?" The girls stared at you for a long time when the black-haired girl suddenly yelled.
"You're [f/n]-chan, aren't you?!"
"What?! Impossible!"
"Of course it's me!"
You smiled brightly and embraced Asuka and Chiyo joined the two of you.
"Geez! Long time no see, [f/n]", Chiyo said while tears appeared in her eyes. "Yes it is almost a year ago since we last saw each other", you said. " You changed a lot", Asuka said and Chiyo nodded. "We all changed, didn't we?" you said and started to laugh. The other girls joined in the laughter.

~Time skip~
You laid on your bed and checked your phone. It was 9:30 pm. You just had dinner and your brother was washing the dishes. You looked into your contact list and found six phone numbers in there.
When you read Asuka and Chiyos names, you smiled. You met your old friends again. This took back memories from the time when you were in elementary school. You frightend as your phone suddenly vibrated. On your display was now a short window with a message from Asuka in a group chat, the three of you made.

When are the Volleyball Winter Cups starting? Sorry, I forgot. [f/n]-chan, you should confess Hajime after his first game! >.<

Yes... You told them everything. You told them about your feelings towards Hajime and how you cried in front of him. The two girls listened carefully and promised to help you. You felt happy about it, but now, Asuka wanted you to confess your feelings to Hajime at the Winter Cups.

Asuka-chan, I can't! It's too early. His first game is at 4th december! It's less than one month! >///<

Do your best~

Geez, Chiyo-chan!! T_T

You felt not ready to even think about cofessing your feelings to Hajime, but somehow, the two girls could cheer you up a little. You put your phone away and went to sleep. This night you had a dream about the good old days with Hajime, Tooru, Asuka and Chiyo.

{Haikyuu!! Iwaizumi x Reader} *~Childhood friends~*Where stories live. Discover now